Anonymous ID: f09c23 Feb. 2, 2021, 3:28 p.m. No.12804287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4324



It's ramping up Anons. Now that they've overthrown the Government, it's time to once again begin importing illegals into the Country to dilute our Population and overwhelm our economy. They will need help with this. This operation was going on under hussein, and Trump got it stopped, for the most part. Now they they have resumed their 16 year Plan, they are resuming operations in this area as well.


Former operations were well documented by Patriots in Arizona, SOCAL, NM and TX, and Videos were posted all over YT, FB and Twit. Ben Bergquam, Oscar Blue, Paloma for Trump, AZ Patriot Patrol are a few of the Accounts that had this research and Boots on the Ground Video coverage. Evidence was recorded basically as follows.. Patriots went to the Border and observed groups of illegals being escorted by coyotes, who then directed illegals to cross over the Border, where they then sat down to await Border Patrol Agents. The Agents then Interviewed the illegals, loaded them into Vehicles, and Ubered them to a Detention Center, where they were "processed". Upon completion of Processing, DHS Busses were loaded with illegals from the Detention Centers, and they were again Ubered into adjacent Cities, and released into local Churches to NGO's, or directly transported to Greyhound Bus Stations or Airports, where again, they were turned over to NGO reps and US Department of HHS personnel, and supplied with Tickets, Money, and Paperwork. They were then placed on Busses, or escorted through Airport Security, and put on Flights, and transported throughout the Country. At their Destinations, further aid, comfort and assistance was rendered by NGO members to get the illegals to their final destinations. Sauce for this can be found all over the Internet, despite the DS best efforts to remove it all. Trump got a lot of this stopped, however it is now beginning again. DHS and USBP needs help from sympathizers to complete the task.


Job Posting below.