Anonymous ID: 9be6a2 Feb. 2, 2021, 8:17 p.m. No.12807196   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Announcing it is cool because it reminds people esp. newfags they can filter shit.. its not like censorship, its individual.. So go ahead, post the gore and the porn and the super jew hating.. I won't filter the jew hating because jews are special, they represent a weird double-standard as basically white people who have participated in everything white people have and have substantial ownership, plus many notable events when their were overly bad groups of them, yet they are untouchable, while non-jewish whites are blamed for everything….


But I like to see anons communicating to global lurkers etc that they're not anti-semitic (again, i defend your right to be anti-semitic) or racists (defend your right to be racist) but still believe/align with the general purpose of this group.. Its not a hating jewish people group.. its more of a hating corruption & communism group.. thats the dominant force here. every now and then its good to remind people we're not all here for porn and gore and shillary and idiocy and jew hating.. its just a public forum.. and we defend everyones right to free speech, in this very special place, where you can filter anything that's too much for your taste, but still support the movement.



Anonymous ID: 9be6a2 Feb. 2, 2021, 9:02 p.m. No.12807588   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, I would have been in DC, but couldn't.. I actually donated money to groups that were raising funds to go.. Had I gone, my situation is different, but it would have probably ruptured an already unstable relationship with in laws because they are HARD brainwashed, they are the types that have CNN just playing in the background thru-out the day.. they already treat me like I'm possibly racist (have biracial kids!! with their daughter!! Who are very loved and well cared for, I make lots of money and my only hobby is 3D printing toys for my kids and reading to them etc) unreasonably angry (I'm always well behaved, but they fuckin bring up politics and they don't like hearing what I have to say and that I believe it so much) Its just ridiculous times.. I don't know what else to say.. I believe yours will be back..


Any way, God bless and take care.. Remember your value, you cared for those people, if they want to give you some time off, enjoy it!! Be well and in good spirits when you reach out to them!!