i know it could be isolated
but i didnt pick it out like a cloud
it was on a rock alone
and htere were more
but the shapes seemโฆ. to be animals and stuff.
i can show you more
but they are DSLR raw and big files
so i gotta do one at a time
after a massive fire
the granite on the rock swellls
and pops
so after the fire
i went in theburnt forest <illegally>
and took these images
in this ancient burial
like eveyone that worked there new it was a burial ground and shit cause it was in the legend of the culture
but i swear i was uncovering mounds
for a while
i quit
cause i was disturbing stuff
i wasn't finding anything
i kept looking for like <quartz tool sets>
like the >good artifacts<
but i kept finding the same shit
oh duh
cause that is life
everyone lives and dies
people carve little things
of wood and stone
and put you in the ground
i did not find
but piles of decaying rock and wood
and the
rock and wood
had the same <shapes>
and sometimes the rock was
old enough the dirty had bcome it
like it crumbled
i was real careful at first
then i just uncoverd a bunch
and proved to myself
i would get people off this land
so i have these images
i have posted them
and sent the to rock people
but they say it is just natural
but i think they swell where people DREW or perforated the rock
and it swelled and popped along the lines of the carving
not so natural pattern
but people who do this stuff
dont believe
a kid
sending them pictures of animals from the stone age drawn in rocks lol