Pretty based journalism there, Tucker.
The full force and weight of Qresearch (not Qanon, the CNN strawman) that has been underway for years is about to go exponential, a "short squeeze on Truth", so to speak.
Anon recently read that one third of Americans now believe the core tenets of the information researched and confirmed by the researchers and Autists here. Autists, who by their very honest nature, refuse to let logical absurdities to persist.
Like, certifying a fraudulent election, for example.
>orange NPC Press Secretary lady bad
>Fuck Cucker to hell.
Why the foil?
You guys get nominated for Emmy's and Nobel's and you're still salty.
>with you on that, anon; attacking Sidney for "not showing her hand" was wrong
How many weeks away yet was the Impeachment Trial when he said that?
>Slow-speed police chase going on in Los Angeles
So, they're pulling a page out of the OJ get-away manual, are they?
>Only to the untrained eye