Nice banner!
Is it new?
Tell them you have one of these and will be just fine
Right here anon, the original device designed to blow smoke up your ass
and we all now have proof you did not look at the faces
Grabbed by "joggers" and sold for scrap metal
I have mentioned that these things are slow, right??
On twatter when she isn't forced to tell a reporter she'll "circle back to them on that"
Geez, visiting Canadians may put on shoes
The House is a dog and pony show now. Outrage and calls for investigations and hearings over all kinds of shit. Meanwhile, away from the tv cameras, the dirty deals are done
As long as it is not a bunch of bored engineering students building Tesla Coils and Tesla Magnifiers, I'm fine. Fuckers didn't invite me
Why do silly little shills from IRGC always use "goyim?" Never "gentile" always "goyim"
Why do idiot shills try the same shit every bread?
Why is the amount of pig's blood binder in chemtrails increased to 14% when sprayed over Iran instead of the average 8%