Whenever I feel a tickle, like a soar throat coming on, I gargle with whisky or rum. Usually kicks it right there. If it comes back I just do it again. Make sure to get it far back where the itch is and, of course, swallow some. Burns it right out.
I had a dream yesterday where I was walking down a small path through backyards. The path came to an end at a brick wall. I could go no further. A group of people surrounded me and said "this is your last night".
Drew Barrymore knows what happened that day in the back room of Jeopardy. Why do you think Alex was an alcoholic.
I love ginger tea. Ginger, lemon and honey. Mmm mm
An example of comms in action and a small way they are used to convey meaning.
A few years back I worked for a GOV contractor. I was hired out to work for many different agencies. There were many different companies doing the same job and our companies would receive a bulk of work to be completed by a certain date. The jobs were then divided among us workers.
At one point Congress voted to take the work from the agency we were contracted with and award it to a different agency. The agency were were with mainly used contractors as they did not have the internal personnel to keep up with the work load. The new agency boasted they had plenty of internal personnel to get the job done. So, we were all thinking we were about to get the axe.
The agency assigned the work took over the new jobs being created while we mopped up what we had already started. After a few months rumors started floating around that the newly appointed agency was going to hire my company to handle overflow and we may not be loosing our jobs after all.
Now, my company had a very unusual name that was derived from an uncommonly used word. The word that it was derived from I have never heard in my life. The company name sounded so odd that I had to look it up. After leaving the company I still have never heard that word or the companies name used.
When all was completed and the final touches of the transfer had been made, the newly assigned agency held a press-conference to discuss the transition. During the broadcast the speaker made a statement that was general to the idea of how the transition was going and was doing well and expected to have a good outcome. In this statement the speaker used that very unusual word to describe how well they were doing. It hit my ear like a brick due to its uniqueness and to its connection with my comp. We all knew right there we had been awarded the contract.
I think a lot of it comes from the base cause of this board. Our main goal here has been to take drops as they come in and new reports and first hand reports and deconstruct them. Chew them up and find every connection we can and develop a working model of what it all means. Since Q has been silent for so long, and with DJT not Tweeting, and news in general slowing down, we don't have much to chew on. We're all just kind of hovering waiting for a morsel of intel to come in so we can get to work.