Q and Q+ you know who I am and I have said this before. My privately held firm ] Not 1 cent of VC money [ has the technology to free the markets from the Robin Hood and Citadel and 2Sigma and Point72 induced hedge fund faggotry we have all witnessed in GME, AMC, and others not mentioned, like KODK and US Steel X. We are the best in real-time data, by a long shot. Sirs when you are ready let us know and we will help fix this faggotry via transparency and real…real-time data monitoring. Everyone should be able to see short interest increment and decrement in real-time so that there is none of this we covered our [short positions] BULLSHIT! Also HFTs are parasites that feed off of the individual investor in the financial system like the other [parasites] feed off of our LOOSH!
You what is coming soon? Suicide weekend…the Hedge Fund edition!