Anonymous ID: 26d1b0 Feb. 3, 2021, 11:55 a.m. No.12812203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2320

these fucking idiots

love their fuking delusion

they LIKE it

it is fucking gross

it is not just delusion

it is human sickness

i think it is related

to the DYZ19 system

and the impact on Haplogroup R

the same as % ancient neandrathal blood

just saying

these fucking idiots

haplogroup R

needs DNA fix

they are broken shit

fucking complete idiots lost in the genome of stupid

and immoral

it is like pre-moses morality

like there is no sin

there is no


there is no empathy

in the haplgroup R of the beltway and Europe


how are we going to correct the DNA of the neadrathal jew that runs the world with a criminal cabal?


how do we use science to adjust their broken moral code..

what is

corpus collusum

what is the Nrdd file

whhat is dyz1 what is dyz2

what is dyz19

why does donald trump have a dyz19 mutation

and why does all the blood

of the 12 tribes of israel, r1 haplogroup, have a dyz19 mutation

if all dont have it

why do they use this group to study the phenomena


these fucking demons are broken

their <quantum gates>

are shut down because of a DYZ19

genetic mutation

they dont get it

until we fix it

they are literally possessed by demons

but it isn't the demon you want to chase right now

the demon is called a DYZ19 mutation in the Haplogroup R


THe danger is inserting Nrdd files into the corpus collusum to do it.


If you want to know why the corpus collusum is important

watch this 10 minute clip

look up bi-cameralism

you know left brain right brain

but there are science mechanisms that

do this.. governing

of the polarity of the brain

some people are left

and some are right

some are bi-cameral



they should be messing with the Nrdd of the human genome

but i see why they are doing it

it is correction of DNA mutation that impacting

the corrupted leadership of te free world

prorably something worth looking into

why does DYZ19 mutation make you infertile?

does the universe not want you breeding after your brain has this mutation occur?

does the mutation create the infertility

or is the infertility a symptom of a more important mutation

such as moral code

or in DYZ1 and 2

if you have dyz1 or 2 deleted

you are a hermaphrodite

you do the math

it is gender assignment

why does wiki on DYZ19 say that the whole DYZ system is <junk DNA>


i dont call genome that determiens gender

to be

jnk dna


can someone cheer me up

i am fucking chaotic this morning

and i cant stabilize the system

are flow

from the atlantis soul for eeveryone if

i woke up on the wrong side of the bed

and cant get right with myself

i am cranky

and i can't make it go

why does the cackle at their own stupidity

it is the ultimate phenomena

the fool is foolish and doesnt not see it's own blatant <stupidity>


Anonymous ID: 26d1b0 Feb. 3, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.12812320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364


they are fucking idiots

you cant fix stupid

without prismatic DNA cures ffrom thje sun


fucking haplogrouip R immoral reatrd robot british fucks

dont need to be put in the oven of hitler's perfect neadrthal wisdom

they need fixing of the double helix

it can't even ehear me

i called a haplogroup R

and said

that i was concerned

that i had found this information

about a genetic mutation

in their genome

based on the bloodtype

and wanted them to look


they just keep

reinforcing that i should "take a break"

from.. so much… worthelss reading


maybe i shoud have lunch

and consume food

instead of worrying about DYZ19

and genetic mutation of democrats living in the northeast and california


i would think this information would concern people

that were impacted

by this critical mutation

at the heart of your genome sequnece


but it is quite the opposite

it is not just a closed quantum gate


it actually allows energy to flow through

a - portal vs a + portal


do you…. emit a - charge or a +


you need both to generate any charge




these are demons

they are hellspawn

they are your neight

call them what you want

it has no soul

cause the quantum gate is closed

the genome is mutated

in critical positions

and can be corrected

but i

dont think the hellspawn

of the beltway

are going

to just jump in

and help us correct theior fucing mutation of immoral stupidity

that lacks

empathy,critical thinking, and common sense


it creates an entire logic system

that is illogical

to the huiman being


it is a logic system rooted in ancient man

before you were sapien

before you were adam

before you knew

from eve


you had a chromosome 5


it occurs in non-mammals

you were

a neandrathal

a non-mall base in a 5chromosome system

you are now a 23 chromosome system


the chromosome 5 mutaiton


come back

from time to time

and wipes out the DYZ19 file

that governs

morality in man

but not in cave man

cave man is fine

% neadrathal is fine

immortal idiots that have too much power and wealth

but no DYZ19


that can't go on.

Anonymous ID: 26d1b0 Feb. 3, 2021, 12:15 p.m. No.12812364   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who cares






large portions of your fuicking stupid nation of ungodly morality


is severely lacking possibly


you have a DYZ19 mutation


in a large portion of the population

in cluding the last president you have


what if Biden has a DYZ19 mutation?


should he be allowed to lead


the nation

with a DYZ19



or should he be removed based on his inability to lead due to said genomic mutation?



there is no need to fear

no need to impeach

no need to wait for bad actions


if the scientists can prove

our President

has a critical deletion of the DYZ19

genomic sequence


i do not think

the leader of our nation


should operate


a healthy DYZ system



from here on

should have their NRdd file inspected for normalcy

before taking office


nothing really

it just checks the core of your genome

to make sure

that it is empty

and not filled with.. installed stuff

from evil forces

called cabals

with subliminals and stuff

that reprogram root symbol systems

and attach them to negative trauma

that is created

and makes an idelible portion of the hippocampus to be manipulated and accessded as the <abuse<of the cabal sees fit

it trgiggers your trauma, tied to root symbols, and american culture


to get you to do what they want


wake the fuck up




if you are not R haploigroup

i need your help


fuck these stpid hellspawns


look at a map

they literally live on top of geothermal vents


why do all the people with a DYZ19 mutation and high % neandrathal blood live on top of geothermal vents?


do tell me America.

do tell me