isn't that the fuck who offed himself?
How is that "dying in the line of duty" ?
>should we all go to DC and support Trump during the peach mint trial?
So you can get arrested and/or told to "go home" by Trump?
Right now, associating yourself with Trump in any way puts you on the "First to go" list. And for what? Trump will only save his own ass, and throw you under the bus.
>So the question remains: why are cases falling so fast in the U.S. and can the nation stay ahead of the fast-spreading mutations of the virus?
>Public health experts believe that the decline in cases is likely a combination of a higher number of people who've had the virus than official counts suggest - meaning as many as 90 million people have antibodies against the virus - and fewer people traveling and holding gatherings than did over the winter holidays.
So, iow, HERD IMMUNITY. Like every other fucking flu!
You are a fucking moran if you get Trump's vaccine.
And Trump and his stupid family need to stfu about the vaccine, because the left wants all the political cover they can get in order to mandate that fucking poison .. and the Trumps are giving them that political cover!
>I need action
>my marriage is on the brink!
If you are looking for Q to fuck your wife, I don't think that Q is into women.
Fuck her yourself, or go down to your nearest MLK Blvd and git your self a bull for her, pussy.
You'll be squatting over the coffee can in the corner of the boxcar, and anon next to you will be saying, "All part of the plan. Trust the plan. You can't just drain muh swamp overnight, ya know. tHeSe tHiNgS tAkE TiMe."
Holy Fuck!
This guy is going to destroy his business with this hope porn stupidity.
His employees better fucking bail while they have a chance.
>She isnt even relevant enough for anybody to kill or arrest. Shes not even in the top 50 Congress people that need to be removed,
The repugs and their shills need to stop giving this blowjob bartender the attention she seeks.
She's a fucking nobody .. being made into a somebody through people who should know better.