Anonymous ID: 4fdd81 May 2, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.1281588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons might want to meme something along these lines if the reimbursement to Cohen needs some ammo.


The proportions below give perspective on what 130k means to POTUS


(Trump had a net worth of 3.5 BILLION at the time Cohen was reimbursed)


That $130,000 to DJT is like THIRTY-SEVEN DOLLARS to a Millionaire (1,000,000)


It's LESS THAN $4 if you're worth 100k


& if You've got Just 20k you'd be out 75 WHOLE CENTS


It's equivalent to COUCH CHANGE for most people


Hence…why he might not scrutinize a line item of that size on a attorney's invoice. He may just glance at the bottom line & have a secretary cut the check IF HE EVEN LOOKS AT IT AT ALL. He's got a staff!


He trusted Cohen to handle nuisances so as not be bothered. Billionaires get 'extorted' routinely after all. It's often cheaper & less time consuming to settle things out of court.


If Stormy had video or anything really tasteless or damning she would've gotten more than 130k. That number leads me to believe she doesn't have much evidence & may have not even slept with him.


It's "Go away, flea" kind of money to DJT