It’s utter nonsense like this and Russia always talking nuking
That makes me believe that no government has codes for nukes
They are just too damn stupid to have that power
It’s utter nonsense like this and Russia always talking nuking
That makes me believe that no government has codes for nukes
They are just too damn stupid to have that power
Kek…….flash bang send Dem/commie niggers running for mommy
Take your fear porn back to Jewville
That’s why we won’t have to worry about military…..they all gonna die fighting for the Jew
Covering for the Jews….whole JFK thing was a Jew op…..Jack Ruby was a Jew
Smells like kike to me
NSA couldn’t secure elections
SCOTUS ruled bulk data collection is illegal
Nerds have no mission
Fire them…
Funny….great observation anon….somehow we have avoided the gay acronyms
You gonna put peeps behind bars?…….you ain’t man enough
Dem/commies talk whole bunch of smack, then you cold cock one and they cry to the police
Sometimes old people a good for a laugh…
Even a bot knows China is gayest country followed closely by Israel
Just cuz you and your butt buddy are gay don’t mean everyone else is
Big gay lie…..I was born that way