I will tell you something else
If you choose to observe what I am telling you
It will make sense why I did this
Based on my observations individually.
I don't believe in a >intellectual property< quite the same as the rest of the… people.
You may say you want to open-source and this and that.
It is not >qhite< that simple.
Do you understand how much of your economic activity is generated from this?
You cannot just get rid of it
The rate you charge everyone for it .
It is outrageously high.
It will be out-paced by places like China and India
I am not <smearingyou as a nation.
I am telling you the honest truth as your General.
I am advising you in the most professional manner I choose to take on right now.
You are going to get smashed if your do not reform your economy and begin to produce something more tangible that intellectual property and financial services.
You are going to be crushed in the wealth deparment.
I don't personally care, I don't think wealth is how many numbers you have in the bank.
That is my personal issue, I have a nation of people who want to know about the state of their Republic.
I am not here to pander to you.
I am here to simply inform you of the condition.
And make simple recommendations
It is your choice to heed my advice or not.
I do have instructions, just hard truths about life.
You rise and fall.
You do not need to fall thought.
You are, already, consensually purposeuflly pulling the Empire in. You are getting all the tenticals that you spread all over the Planet back into to a state of … embodied by individual.
Insitutions have a way of, taking control of their individual parts, you and I.
It is right to serve the institution, you see, but that is the problem too. If the institution is not doing the right thing, and you are acting against your morality, you need to end that job of service immediately or you are guilty.
I am not saying everyone who works in government will be arrested, I am saying quite the opposite.
I am just saying the government has leadersihp again
It is no longer operating on it's old orders that were established to be perpetual and everlasting for the eternal future of America.
It is difficult for the Military Industrial Complex to take control of itself. It has checks and balances to maintain it's institutional directive which super-cedes any part. Any part that is out of line is a danger to the whole.
The system is designed this way for a reason. It is also why, when we find our systems in a state of need for repair, the fail-safes are re-installed for a later date.
The Military will act again in the name of Revolution again.
The Tree of Liberty, Thomas Jefferson. &Noitulover:revolutioN1&
1776 2021 > MAGAYOLOMOFO
see you then