Anonymous ID: 86bda8 Feb. 4, 2021, 12:23 a.m. No.12818378   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dope, based man.

Mind you, all this water vapor does, too, get trapped upon the very surface fabric of the mask. Water also condenses much faster in the cold.

Everyone wearing these masks is increasing the risk of developing pneumonia. Serious complications can arise if water builds up in the lungs. Which anyone of these medical people's should know because if a person develops pneumonia, the last thing one would want to do is put a mask on that person's face for the very real reasons listed above, and more.



>It makes me believe there might still be people who believe in logic and reason. Or just anyone who took first year Biology.

Logic and reason will forever hold True, regardless whether or not people choose to believe in the likes.

First year Biology would be a good thing to remind people, because now we are not only talking about the virus itself, but the bacteria and molds that people will likely encounter while wearing these masks.

Now think of how happy these tiny biological beings are when they know have ample warmth and moisture to joyfully breed!

Then, remember that people can contract pneumonia from bacterial and fungal infections, as well as the viral.


As a bonus! Think of how our body's immune system will react know that it has bee weakened by the mask, on top of constant bombardments of fear porn upon moar fear porn for months upon years of our very lives. Now, think of how little they have done to acknowledge our own Biological beings' very own Natural functions. As this entire time they have been restricting the most basic of function of our body's own first line of defense against these natural hazards of life. Which we have survived for many thousands of years, long before the advent of our "advanced" modern "medicine".


Now, as a double bonus. Cannabis can both safely and effectively prevent and treat common colds and flues, rather easily based upon both factual information and Natural function, as designed by the likes of our Creator. Yet, they ENTIRE medical world continues to act like this very plant does not "possess" even a SINGLE medical application… Despite no less HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of human beings on Earth who know GOTdamn well that ain't true.


…but-but… muh vaccination!