One of the most beautiful stories about History that I've ever explored is the truly destructive nature of the mongols under the control of Genghis Khan, and their ability in a short time frame, as a rag-tag group of nobodies, to creatively and assuredly destroy their enemies.
While the elite empires at the time bragged of their metalworking skills and bronze embroidened shields, the mongols fought a different war- a war of the mind. A war of survival. A game of ultimate strategery. A burn-the-ships mentality toward ultimate destruction of their enemy allowed them to wreak havoc across asia and into europe as they leveled every societal structure in their path. Entire cities- pillaged, raped, and burned. And when the survivors would gather to mourn their dead the mongols would come back for more, they finished their work.
And if you pondered on what kind of job they did, why so stoic and unwavering in their conquest to destroy?- you realize in total destruction lies novelty. Truth begets a new beginning. By cutting down the overgrowth of temporal societally-structured suppressions, a new way forward can blossom up.
Do not mistake DESTRUCTION for VIOLENCE. We must pursue the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the enemy upon us, by any means necesarry. An act of ultimatum, an instantaneous crucifiction of the enemy for their crimes; a public hanging by the people or a gunshot wound to the head may suffice in your heart but what seeds would it sow for the future?
Q may be able to pull this off with the wizards and warlocks and the looking glass and its just a matter of timing and any day now and its gonna happen tomorrow but the day after tomorrow too………… But we could put an end to the stupid games in a single week if we bound together. Without pursuing violence there are paths forward seeking total destruction. We can burn them at the stake, but first they need to feel the heat.
Reality is made in the mind of the child.
The child is you