how many anons does it take to change a light bulb?
one to clockfag
two to decodefag
five to bitch about the baker wars
ten to concernfag
five to kvetch about the jews
two to tell everyone to filter
one to post tits
one to holler upstairs to ask his mom where the lightbulbs are
one to go to the garage for a ladder
one to climb the ladder and change the bulb
one to drive him to the ER when he sticks his finger in the socket and falls off the ladder.
strike a nerve, did i? whatsamatta? mommy make you put down the kybd and shovel some snow?
>The richest black person in the US failed to declare $200 Million in income, the largest ever tax evasion case
can we celebrate THIS during black history month?
>I have a little gal that wold love to meet you, Bertha. I load the shells myself. You'll fall for her, guaranteed.
wow. threats of violence. never would have expected that from someone who names his guns. do they keep you warm at night, loser?
>Threats never… wouldn't dream of it.
too late, jethro. that horse is out of the barn. i bet your wet dreams are of killing the women who laughed at your tiny dick.
>Well to that I say 120 degrees, four corners of harden steel.
that 'sposta mean sumpin' chickenfucker? you no speakee engrish? don't you need to go get a vaccination, or sumpin'?
>Cool, your math skills are just right. Let me guess…. You're an expert at the new math.
aaaaaand…. the bot breaks down into totally meaningless gibberish. fuck me, i've been trading insults with an algorithm.
only a complete tard or someone knowingly lying ASSUMES cause and effect from mere coincidence.
dija even NOTICE that the temperature goes up BEFORE the CO2 levels go up? course not. that would throw your asinine "theory" into the trash bin where it belongs.
when does animal population peak? when the polar caps extend almost to the equator? or when the polar caps retreat to the poles?
can you arithmetic? figure avg 2 L per breath times avg 20 breaths per min times 5% CO2 conc in every exhale times approx 100 billion respiring animals. how much CO2 is THAT, annually?
>We have no president at the moment.
sauce? does the constitution even address the situation where an election is null and void? does the previous president remain in office? (yes).
>no one can duplicate anything nicola did.
first off, it's NIKOLA, asshat.
second, those that would like to try don't have access to several hundred million dollars worth of copper and other materiél.
those that have access to several hundred million dollars worth of copper and materiél are the ones SUPPRESSING the technology.
>I simply told you it was a cycle, you think that is wrong?
the cycles are WELL known to every fifth grader. i think you have an agenda that you're pushing, why else post that shit here?
>Endless hours of life Television coverage of the elections. I need no other proof
tips on how to volunteer your photo name and vital info into the international facial recognition database.
WRONG! look up one of his patents, JACKASS. or maybe you think he spelled his own name incorrectly.
>Russia has no economy, Russia has no industry.
yeah, right. idiot or shill? my money is on both.
>Defense Secretary Austin Orders 60 Day Military Stand Down
and yet thousands more mil arrive in DC daily. reconcile.
>what great good does Russia have? That the world needs?
they export more energy to the EU than we do. russia covers ELEVEN time zones, and they are sitting on the LARGEST stockpile of natural resources on the planet. estimated at $100 trillion in today's dollars. btw, who was the first human in space? asshat. you glow.
>exporting raw materials… has no industry
cause natural gas and oil just jump out of the ground, build tankers and pipelines, and load themselves into them.
you're a fucking MORAN. you just said the US exports more energy, so when we do it, it's "industry," but when russia does it, it's not?
pick a lie and stick to it, RETARD.