He is. So are you. We are all Jesus, when we become One with Him, in Faith, and Word and Deed. It's our destiny, and it's who serve always been.
He is. So are you. We are all Jesus, when we become One with Him, in Faith, and Word and Deed. It's our destiny, and it's who serve always been.
Wow, 10 UIDs… Lowest I've ever seen.
Obvious faggot is obvious. Anyone here for money and popularity give themselves away with their fame money whoring.
Satan is the First liar. His lie was that he is. But He isn't. There is only One. And that is You. Yourself. And myself. That Satan is the Accuser deceiver who lies and tries to accuse you of bein the enemy. But there's only One enemy. And that is Satan. The lie behind your self. That you are not, when you are. And it's all you. The One Self who we all are.
God created many for the same reason he created a garden. Because creation is Who He is, not what He does. He is the God who becomes man, so that men can become God's. By Faith, through Word and Deed.
Except Meshiach, "though he was himself in the flesh, Elohim, considered equality with Elohim, something not to be attained to.
Psshhhh, idk, there's very little in they ways of reasons I have to trust that mother fucker, but, I have grace for all.