reminder that glowies dont have souls
that was your line?
reminder that they refuse to address the most basic points of DC ELITES ARE FUCKING KIDS which was how all this started
qanon is that conspiracy theory that thinks DC elites are fucking kids, correct?
i think "q-on" was about DC elites fucking kids, like alefantis and his sexual children posts on instagram - and why a restaurant guy listed in the top 50 influential in DC
There's a lot of evidence that DC elites are fucking kids
Spy rings operating in congress.
MSM ignore it. Enemy of the people.
die in grease fire shill
>something to debate.
Nah that's exactly what a shill would want to "debate" around here. Fuck off and die shill.
We're talking the problem where DC elites are fucking kids and comped with foreign spy rings
>digging on Gilbert Orrantia the head of homeland security in AZ and partner of Cindy McCain's child trafficking task force.
>president of Burma and close personal friend of Sonos, the Clintons and Obama was just arrested by the county's military for election fraud
What's the best ref. we have for that pls?
no problem with unions on principle. however the reality these days has become more like SEIU obama goons, wokers.
They bait and switch "principle of reason" for the "reality of rigged systems"
It's done on the right too. "minimum wage is bad". No, people are fighting against a rigged system. Regulation is necessary in the face of a rigged system. They collude to keep wages low. It's not a free market. There are no free markets.
>Global Warming is a Mental Illness
Nope. It's a national security threat.
The most powerful bankers in the world have told us, join the paris accord (economic suicide) or more of your cities will burn to the ground. Oh and also covid.