>Every post like this before hand was not me, yet here I am. Someone hacked my laptop and posted it too early. This right now is the real Cedric Richmond posting the real letter below
That's like saying "Everything I say is a lie"
>Every post like this before hand was not me, yet here I am. Someone hacked my laptop and posted it too early. This right now is the real Cedric Richmond posting the real letter below
That's like saying "Everything I say is a lie"
I wonder why McInerney is spitting this stuff out on social media…
Is he just mucking the water with personal speculation?
Has he been instructed by Q/DJT to “leak” this stuff?
Is he a bad actor setting up Anons for a let-down?
My gut says leaking for Q/DJT…
While I dislike datefaggin, I'm doing it regardless..
What do Anon's think about President's Day (Feb. 15th) as the day the true POTUS, DJT, emerges? I'm thinking this for no other reason other than it's President's Day…