Violence is not the Answer.
It's a Trap.
Wake up from your slumber.
Violence is not the Answer.
It's a Trap.
Wake up from your slumber.
C_A Operative Painting the Picture
Regain the Narrative
Demonstrate Overt Security Presence in DC
Leverage National Intelligence Better Against "Domestic Terrorism"
Engage Workforce Better, Rat out your Neighbor program.
Prepare for a Long Fight, New Law Enforcement
Welcome to Germany Circa 1939
Violence is Not the Answer.
Open Insubordination is Effective.
Show of Force is not Violence.
That requires the Enemy to Strike.
The Enemy is Cleary Defined.
Defending is How Heroes do battle.
Anyone that Listens to you is a fool.
Take your Violence to another place.
You have no Power here.
God has my back
I Fear no Evil
The Tides are Shifting
Big if Frog marched
Fishing is Fun