Rub some Crisco on your ass. You'll slide farther.
Gee….was this perpetrator black? Has to be or else he'd be branded a white-supremem Qanon kook who must be held to the maximum penalty under law, lobotomized and chemically castrated to protect whamens.
The solution is simple. Get a Sharpie, write "Return To Sender" on the mask, drop it in the mailbox. Don't forget to cough on it first.
AOC opens her mouth everyday, ironically advancing our narrative while trying to condemn it. Green ran on "hello fellow anons" and promptly sold out when it looked like she was going to be excluded from the reindeer games. So which one is really /ourgirl/?
You're welcome Neon
Agreed. That's why I only shoot when I'm on pot.
No but the cash she gets from her new donors will. First time anon?
A sense of humor is generally a good idea when replying to a joke.
Correct answer is #2. Multiple choice dubs chek't.
I spend about 18 hours a day considering the enemy. Consensus building and peer censorship is chief amongst their tactics.