Beautifully done video…I LOVE IT!!!
Trump had a meeting with McCarthy and Greene…Did Trump throw her to the wolves only to be eaten up…that would be sad to say the least!!!
Proof that you should never go against the "DEEP STATE CONGRESS"…ALONE!!!.
It's so sad that there are NO PATRIOTS IN CONGRESS…so sad.
karma is coming for them…history cannot be erased…count on it!!!
I'm sorry if the RED bothers you…I've already have it at 150% and the red makes it easier to read…my apologies…btw…I have to get 5" to the screen to just read this…but I didn't want to upset you…pumpkin…ok???
That's a twofer…it impacts anons(part of the intention), It helps me read it better…most anons know what my problem is and either read it or pass it by…the shills…I can't stop the shills…no one can…it's a free speech boards…but I'll take it under advisement…but will probably still be using the red text mostly…thank you for all your concern.
again…like I told you…I have to be 5" from the screen to read the black normal text…but in no way am I going to continue to do it this way…it's only because you seem sooooo concerned on RED TEXT only…so I'm taking the high road…you seem to be taking the low road which means…shill Democrat/Liberal…hmmm..pic explains it..