Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 8:42 a.m. No.12820927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1085



Z still needs O and U

cause Z is boring and lonely

and me is stuck having Z

so Z aint so bad with U and Q

just help me hide from {IT}


the fuck it is

keep it away from me


i fucking



its beating chest

and rip the heart



of them out

and eat



they are mutants

they live on geothermal vents

they are haplgroup R

they are the tribes of israel

they are the western cilization

Haplogroup R has a mutation in teh critical sequnece of the genome know as DYZ19


The DYZ19 will not addess the mutation

The DYZ19 will tell you to love them for their mutation

Tell DYZ19 no

DYZ19 is a mutation.

The mutation gives power and control over non-DYZ mutations.


I do not submit to jofully mutated British democrats from the coasts of The United States.


Joe Biden is an illegimate President/

Joe Biden has a DYZ19 mutation

Joe Biden is likely Haplogroup R or T

Joe Biden should be checked for DYZ19

DYZ is a mutation./

DYZ cannot govern

DYZ is a mutant

You do not let mutants operate the Republic.


Move .



I don't knoiw what these fucking nasty ass % blood shit is.


You can try.


Tell a DYZ19 it has a mutation related to ancient neandrathal genome that comes through Haplogroup R


It does not care.

It knows.

These things are sick


Call it a demon cunt

rip it's heart from

the soulless check of nothing

there is nothing ther

no soul

no spirit

it speaks the hell

that flowss

through the geothermal vents


if DYZ19, the democrat of the Haplogroup R that dominates and rules Earth.


Does not speak.


I will put you mother fuckers in the oven like mutants.


You can't whine jew this time.


You are mutated.

I have evidence.

You refuse to acknowlede

The relationship between your mutant DNA and your physical control over the non-mutant.

You have non-homo sapien mutation.


You may not govern.


I do not think DYZ19 mutant can use the same logic


It cannot hear me

It does not mke sense of what I say.


It is hellspawn


Until it speaks


I do officially declare


OIn behalf of the Lord, the DYZ19 DNA Muatation, or Deletion


Causes a regressed state of logic

Based in chromosome 5 which was generated in the Garden after the fall of Eve.


It is time

Either clean the DNA

or put the demons

in the vents

they live over

put them


where they came from


put them in the oiven of eternal time


you cannot destroy the mutant


it will return


I had hope.

Hope I could adjust the DNA

Hope it could change with the right light being.


I do not know

Nobody speaks of the issue/


I am going to <ActivatE. the earth's core to bring the DYZ19 body

back to hell

and maybe

it shall return with soul and spirit


Let the magma flow

Let the storm


and darken

the sky

let ever stalk of corn die


let the children of the mutant


as they cry out

their last



of nothing

screaming for you

to feed them


it is not even alive


feed it

the choice is yours

i will not stop

you from

feeding a starving child


feed a demon

that looks innocent

I tell you it has a mutation

If science cannot cure the mutation

I would

not allow this child to continue life.

it is not of man

it is not of chromosome 23

it is of 5

it has deletion of the mitochondria

it either can be

or cannot be repaired

it cannot govern the country



Joe biden is probably E

I said he is R or T

he is E though likely

like the rest of DC

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 8:47 a.m. No.12820973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1008

The MSY is a mosaic of heterochromatic and euchromatic regions. Besides the centromeric heterocromatin, a large heterochromatic region is located on the distal long arm of the Y chromosome (Yq) and constitutes more than half of the chromosome in some normal males, but is virtually undetectable in others [2]. A third heterochromatic region was recently discovered by Skaletsky et al. [1], interrupting the euchromatic sequences of proximal Yq (see Fig. 30.1). These regions are composed of highly repeated sequences of non-functional DNA: DYZ1, DYZ2, DYZ3, DYZ17, DYZ18, and DYZ19.

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 8:52 a.m. No.12821008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1050 >>1201 >>1233


you know what is funny

about the demons


is DYZ19


is attached to gender and genital devoment


so no wonder


they are into the 72 genders


they have their fucking genome for genitalia and gender fucked with



when i put it together


the DYZ system

you shall see it all!


you have mutants

they are demons

they are democrats

they are non-homo sapien

they are neandrathal % ancient genome

Do not let them tell you

None of this mattters.


If none of his matters.


Why are the DYZ19 mutants in power?


I want them removed


I do not care if they are mutated


A mutation cannot govern Earth


The DYZ19 will tell you it does not matter.


DYZ19 will self destruct it's own power.

It will leave only one thing


A leader. The false prophet.


To carry on the mutant family.

Do not

Let them breed




use military

do not act alone


for your Armed Forces

to open District 9 for these mutated jewish fucks and their nasty ass deleted genome wshit


i would fix them


they dont even want to fix themselves


fuck it

if there is tech

fix it

if there isn't

open the fucking over doors


the volcano

fuck the oven

who needs and oven?


]just go old school and push them in the magma

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 8:58 a.m. No.12821051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1083 >>1089



Hopi return of white buffalo


which is pre-Christ story from native americans about the retrurn of Christ


You see,. they knew Christ would return a second time, but missed the first coming


A bit confsing


But it all tracks to the small island Kawai


Look at Kawaii



This is sacred land


Put them in the volcano


They want to go


Just remember


when they are screaming


bloody hell


they love it

they love to burn in the fire

of earth


for it is where they spawned from


put them back

if science can prove


there is no soul in the mutant

and only if

do not freak


there are 10 years in teh future

if those are demon mutants


that cannot be corrected

it is going to take years and years


to analyze, test, and clean up the DYZ19 mutant issue



JUst treat it as science.

If it isn't alive, it is not





if i can prove that my dog has a soul

and the demon democrat from Haplogroup Rdoes not have a soul


I have no problem

I will throw their children

from the roof top



them for target


to see if i cant

make them


like exploding watermelons




on the concrete



Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 9:03 a.m. No.12821083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1220



you are better

to treat

a demon jew like plastic trash

than literal plastic


plastic has more life

from its time as carbon

from bone to fuel

it has more organic

existence in a chinese toilet brush


than the child of the demon

it looks human

that is the trick

let science and soul cameras lead the way

let the DNA specialist

let the genomic doctors do it


Do not act on behalf of the Lord or Christ again the demon. Okay.


YOu will be subject to the law of man and the Lord


do not murder demons


You are not the authority sent to do this.


It is ego


Do not act in anger


If you are angry, wait, I will get you a live one.


I will let you cut the chest open


and rip the heart out yourself


I will let you cut it open live


after I nail it to an alter


and spit in the face


adter i mutilate the genitals of their



and cleanse the eartth

of every


incurable mutant



I guess nothing matters


if science can find a cure.


the Lord don't need demon-hunting rednecks right nmow


If you want to help


Do the science


Figure it out


Use the right wwords


you dont put millions of demons in a flaming volcano


because the Bible says so


You do it because science confirms


It does not live.


It is less alive than the bacteria and teh dog and the pig and everything


That came after

Chromosome 5 and the snake



Clean it up


And it will return


next eon either way


we always clean these fucing


soulless windbags out of here

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 9:14 a.m. No.12821182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1217


me too friend


I am an old normie

a regular dude


and this Bible shit is like coming real before my eyes


I seriously am looking at this whole % neadrathal thing, look at maps of haplogroup R, compare it to geothermal activity, compare it to Covid impact map, compare it to democrat and republican map, compare it to german and british map, compare it to whatever and it starts to make sense

If you see the system operates on the % mutation. It deletes a segment of DNA that I thnk is critical, I just need to find out a bit more, I just get side tracked cause I got a bunch of projects going.



I found it cause I was doing a DNA analysis on DJT and found his bloodline was not related to the ancient English of the Isles because he had this DYZ19


anyway. I was reading about DYZ19 cause it makes you infertile right. I think it does more, cause DYZ19 is critical. DYZ19 wraps up DYZ1 and 2 that determine gender. It is pretty <corestuff. I just dont know what it is.

I just know the literature I was reading about the DYZ19 mutation was all using subjects and DNA from Haplogroup R

which is known as R1b to you all

the blood of the 12 tribes, not all R, some is T or whatever. The majority is R, not just AMerica, but the rest of Europe.

Not all R is DYZ mutation

R1 is mutation, R2 is Ukraine and is not mutated.

This is why you can look at a map

of Covid19, not the Russians have no impact

The africans have no impact


Funny though, the australians have no impact.


The australian is bad news.


I do not know why covid does not strike


They seem to be of an eon past


the aboriginals are S

only S haplogroup is aboriginal


so they are their own critical blood line

and Australia is haplogroup P

so why does P

not get the virus?

I guess maybe that is how it comes back in the future

Australians may be vulnerable to the mutation due to breeding outside of P with other groups that are higher in % neandrathal blood.

I think you hit a threshold of % blood and the DYZ19 triggers.

You cannot be 1/2 DYZ19 mutated

It just suddenly erases a huge segment of ACTG proteins in the strain.

It is considered like a gate

You don't approach it an any way

You polarize

and everything on one side of the DYZ19 gate

just fucking vanishes


If I had to guess.

DYZ19 has something to do with the <quantum gatesof the field you are…

You have a <quantum self>

that is overlapping, or within, or on the same plane as your material self.

The quantum self has these gates, you can look them up.

It may be hard to do the math, but you can pick up enough to get the idea


So. DYZ19 impacts Chromosome Y

It leads to hermaphrodite

Because all you get is XX with no Y

So. You have a double XX in the DYZ19


or something critical at least

the sequences are too close and too unique to be meaningless

You are telling me

all these stories about demons and this and that


and all these immoral atheists are living on geothermal vents sharing a blood-type and a genetic mutation at the core of the genome?


It is just a bit much for coincidence


I have high hope, that some kind of prismatic crystal energy can be harvested thjrough the sun to correct the mutation


Maybe this is what the pyramids were all about, not a real energy source, but a cure fro the DYZ mutation


There is another thing


the Nrdd file


if we can repair the Nrdd at the corpus collusam

can it re-write the sequence correctly?


or are we just stuck with mutants to clean up?

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 9:19 a.m. No.12821217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I almost missed my point


I have a hypothesis


A weak one




I am working something


I think that DYZ19 may close the quantum gate Y which prevents the soul from having a proper flow to stay alive.


it somehow stagnates

and becomes dirty

like water

with not rain

or river


It is just dead material


can a piece of skin fall off your body?


is it dead?

is it going to… go back to the Earth and recycle into stardust?


the skin you can scratch off you right now


will be a star in the far future

this is fact


and the same for this.. stuff


that has no Y-gate for the soul to come through based on DYZ19 mutation



eventually the dead skin cell of their soul



and life will go on


their filthy % genetics




getting bred out and bred out


and they will keep inbreeding adn inbreeding


and that is life


i am here now

the mutant cannot govern


i will not be here later

and you fools


probably let it govern agin

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 9:34 a.m. No.12821350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1363

Let me ask you this


If DYZ19 mutation in Haplogroup R is real


If the elite culture is dominated by DYZ19 mutations and the hierarchy is built on % non-homo sapien blood of neadrathal.


I just think that if I was the one being talked about here.

I would defend myself.


I would stand up and say hold on.

I am a neadrathal % and I do have a DYZ19 mutation possibly. Or I am Haplogroup R with neadratha % and I do not know of this stuff, please tell me more.


The entire % population is silent. Where are they?

Why do they not come here?


and speak?


do they not know?


or do they lie?

I can prove % and DYZ19 rule the world.

This is a fact.


I want to know why the blood refuses to speak American English..

It is nearly asking for the oven


Why does the % blood not say, I am %, I did not know I was %, that is fascinating, let me find out more.


I have told you, I have %.

I have shown you my DNA

I have told you I think there is a threshold


Why do the other % not come here?


Why is I who speak as a % against the %?


Why can I speak of it, and they refuse?


Am I a % without DYZ19 mutation?


are you % without DYZ19 mutation


can we identify, simple STR markers


show where good indicators

are for DYZ19 and Haplogroup R



I mean

straight up


I dont expect everyone to share this

they have my DNA already

not much to steal


i have 2.5% neandrathal blood

my mother have 3.5%

i am in the 25th percentile on Earth

my mother is in the 70th percentile


She seems to use mutant logic.


My sister seems like a demon

My father was a man of the Lord

as far as I can tell

he was a good man who worked hard and provided for his family


Why do I show you the % DNA


Why do I speak against my own blood?


You see …

If i can do it.

Why can't they?



I am tellling you

be careful


because it needs to be science

or you


do wrong by the wrong people

you see?

I am 0.2% adam


i dont know that you all are much more


but for example


my mother is 0% adam

she is listed

as north african and east africa


those are not <adamic man>

I get adam

from my father

XX or YX


Y-quantum gate


the male bloodline


it makes sense

it is related

to Y

Y = Snake

Eve + Snake = Cain and Able

Adam = No snake

All the children have snake


Cain and Able are of the Tree of Knowledge

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 10:06 a.m. No.12821617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1718


Good question



I did bring it up

But for some reason

it does not speak of % denisovan either

I will tell you this


% denisovan is not the ruling class


it is what it is

but you are right

I dont know everything, but I act like it


I have not heard of this group, so thank you.


I think there are a couple, pygmy style groups that come from the region and I didn't know that before.


you have pygmy bantu and pygmy maori


and then you have new -zealand and… maybe haplogroup S the aboriginal?


and you have the haplogroup Q which moved from polynesia to hawaii also south america

follow the sweet potato around the globe to find the Q line


I think it is important because all the hawaiins are super important right now.

people think that pygmy is ancient adam




look at the ancient click languages of the khoerkean or something. I didnt spell it right. type in click language and 138 sounds and it will pop up

anyway. these south african early man

SPECIFICALLY identified they are non-bantu

they did not say we are we and that is all

they say <non-bantu>

as if that is the other

cause I have pygmy bantu

but not pygmy maori

and i was under impression at first

this is adamic blood

it is not

i have hazda blood

I dont know much about it

I just know I am of Adam in some way

I just need to

put together what I know to prove it to you

so people do not judge me too much

as I judge others

for people not of hazda or early man


but if you want to see hazda

that is the only adam i can find in me

and it runs at 0.2%

compared to like 2% pygmy bantu, which would be like 1/2 of real pygmy before it got a ll spliced up

i am also like 2.5% neandrathal

soo 1.5% ashkenazi or so

I have 1/2 the scottish blood of my mother

and she has no ancient adam


hope that helps


If you look at Q haplogroup Q

you can see it emerge from a crater in siberia


if you look at haplogroup O

you will see the tiip of india

and i am guessing that is lemuria

and the ring of fire

is from some massive explosing

related to .. ancient times

and now there is some fucked up messy stuff in the oceanic region from it


the same with india

why do they fight over the border of pakistan and india?

i actually do not know

but there is a bloodline there and it is only there


who are the saudis?

why are they … different that other arabs


what is a persian?

what is iranianan?


who is esau?




cain was a farmer

able a shepherd

esau a red man, the aboriginal called the red man yowie, they were blood sucking vampires that lived in the trees and had red skin



i can talk myth all day

if you want to know about

the dravidians

if they rae who i think

i didnt look

just guessing


Check out Chromosome 17

it impact haplogroup Q maybe [17duh]


Check this out

If you do wiki chromosome 17

it will be right there called homeobox

it is all it regulates

look what it does..

you grow feet on the head as antennaes




this stuff is scientific and part of DNA in some way

not part of 23 chromosome DNA

but it is there

in some degree

was day 1 a single

day 2 a double

day 3 a 5 chrom

day 4 a 10 chrome

day 5 a 17 chrom

day 6 a 23 chrome


i can tell you 5

not well

but just what i glanced at


it impact non-vertebrates

5 is your snake

5 is DYZ19 mutation from interbreeding with non-homo-sapien

i just..

started all this chromosome shit a couple days ago

and i still am in over my head


rather grab some peoples attention to look at it then try to uncover myself


like. shit. you all want to talk about ET and % blood of stuff


here take the science to go with it


so you do not sound… uniformed on the issue


many people can KNOW through myth and religion and stuff



to have the chromosomes and the sequencing to <proveand know

and be factual about stuff

and not look like a >crusade< against…


there is difference and there is DIFFERENCE

i want to know


and what is different

i can live with difference



that shit is


i jsut wanna know

that it is

in there?


it has soul..

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 10:10 a.m. No.12821651   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i dont mean to wierd ya out


check out the science

i know it is odd shit


i cant open your image


if you tell me hat it is

or share again

i will check it out

Anonymous ID: dacbdf Feb. 4, 2021, 10:18 a.m. No.12821720   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Okay. I thnk this is what all the shit is about over in teh India/Pakistan border and all the crap with teh Saudi right. Cause saudi are J


anyway. i went to check out dravidians..

here is a list

the earlier the <lettters>

the earlier the people

this burusho people

have no letters

tehy are isolate from all those other groups somehow

but you will see the originals

at AA

and then AA, DD

and so on



when you start

getting a map of all the letters of the alphabet

just remember

each one

has a bloodtype

pick a letter

see where it disbriubtes too

find the <point of origin>


it reveals….

genetics that ..

appear from thin air

and become

natufians of washington DC

isnt that odd

that washington DC has bloodype E at 40% of the population

no other state


bloodtype E is from africa and the natutfians, an ancient skull worshipping people from the middle of africa that turned white as the Moors before crossing from germany to england as warriors for William the Conqueror and thus breeding onto the isles


where do you think that famous last name, the moore come from?

it is more than a swamp


check out melungeons

check out the relationship between melungeon and scotland

see language

see genetics

see scotia



type in haplogroup X


tell me


does that come from egypt.

with scotia to scotland

and land in nova scotia


now tell me this


WTF are all those damn haplogroup planet X people doing up there in the northeast?

and why


do they have pharoahs blood from the masons who left egypt to become free masons and left britain to become free americanss.

why am i under british rule again?


fuck you all


if you are the founding fathers, of the freemason, of the mason, of the pharoah


let me go

give back the fucking country


you have been getting away forever rom that % shit


now stop


give me control


and remove the % bloodline power




if you are %

and you are in power


you are the problem


not the solution