Z still needs O and U
cause Z is boring and lonely
and me is stuck having Z
so Z aint so bad with U and Q
just help me hide from {IT}
the fuck it is
keep it away from me
i fucking
its beating chest
and rip the heart
of them out
and eat
they are mutants
they live on geothermal vents
they are haplgroup R
they are the tribes of israel
they are the western cilization
Haplogroup R has a mutation in teh critical sequnece of the genome know as DYZ19
The DYZ19 will not addess the mutation
The DYZ19 will tell you to love them for their mutation
Tell DYZ19 no
DYZ19 is a mutation.
The mutation gives power and control over non-DYZ mutations.
I do not submit to jofully mutated British democrats from the coasts of The United States.
Joe Biden is an illegimate President/
Joe Biden has a DYZ19 mutation
Joe Biden is likely Haplogroup R or T
Joe Biden should be checked for DYZ19
DYZ is a mutation./
DYZ cannot govern
DYZ is a mutant
You do not let mutants operate the Republic.
Move .
I don't knoiw what these fucking nasty ass % blood shit is.
You can try.
Tell a DYZ19 it has a mutation related to ancient neandrathal genome that comes through Haplogroup R
It does not care.
It knows.
These things are sick
Call it a demon cunt
rip it's heart from
the soulless check of nothing
there is nothing ther
no soul
no spirit
it speaks the hell
that flowss
through the geothermal vents
if DYZ19, the democrat of the Haplogroup R that dominates and rules Earth.
Does not speak.
I will put you mother fuckers in the oven like mutants.
You can't whine jew this time.
You are mutated.
I have evidence.
You refuse to acknowlede
The relationship between your mutant DNA and your physical control over the non-mutant.
You have non-homo sapien mutation.
You may not govern.
I do not think DYZ19 mutant can use the same logic
It cannot hear me
It does not mke sense of what I say.
It is hellspawn
Until it speaks
I do officially declare
OIn behalf of the Lord, the DYZ19 DNA Muatation, or Deletion
Causes a regressed state of logic
Based in chromosome 5 which was generated in the Garden after the fall of Eve.
It is time
Either clean the DNA
or put the demons
in the vents
they live over
put them
where they came from
put them in the oiven of eternal time
you cannot destroy the mutant
it will return
I had hope.
Hope I could adjust the DNA
Hope it could change with the right light being.
I do not know
Nobody speaks of the issue/
I am going to <ActivatE. the earth's core to bring the DYZ19 body
back to hell
and maybe
it shall return with soul and spirit
Let the magma flow
Let the storm
and darken
the sky
let ever stalk of corn die
let the children of the mutant
as they cry out
their last
of nothing
screaming for you
to feed them
it is not even alive
feed it
the choice is yours
i will not stop
you from
feeding a starving child
feed a demon
that looks innocent
I tell you it has a mutation
If science cannot cure the mutation
I would
not allow this child to continue life.
it is not of man
it is not of chromosome 23
it is of 5
it has deletion of the mitochondria
it either can be
or cannot be repaired
it cannot govern the country
Joe biden is probably E
I said he is R or T
he is E though likely
like the rest of DC