Joseph Goebbels?
We had a cat that loved McDognutts fries, but when they switched to that plasticine abomination they called "shortening" in the early 2000s the cat refused to even go near them.
When will America realize that the judges are the problem. You literally have one person overriding the will of the people.
If current trends in plans trusting are realized, fucking those three abominations will not lead to the desired or promised result.
I think we're all done trusting plans now.
No one is talking about kings. We need honorable judges.
Cool gif. Too bad about the attentionfag jew watermark.
Is that the trend now, leave the White House and stay in DC? Here's a thought. All former elected or employed "officials" of the US government, upon leaving their position, are immediately removed from DC and never allowed to return, ever.
Fuck off back to Indiana, Pence.
It was a picture of George Bush Sr. on the execution gurney.
What part of ALL didn't you comprehend? Barry the Fag should be back in Shitcago sucking cock at the Man's County Club.
The Edomites have convinced the golem that they, the golem, are the real Hebrews, and that the whites are the real Edomites.
That's why (((they))) use the blacks, that are really dumb and easy to manipulate.
It's Zion Don or Crypto Joe. And no, you don't really get to choose.