Should have been America first. We're supposed to lead not follow.
Ahead of schedule. Bye Emmet and GFY too.
All of Congress is garbage. Even Ted Cruz. Bad mouthing PDJT. And yes that is his father pictured working with Oswald in New Orleans. And why did daddy get shuffled off to Canada after the JFK assassination? 1+1 still equals 2.
With Bidan the puppet probable true.
You're a two faced choker. Don't waste the bandwidth. You walked thru a door that is now welded shut. Enjoy hanging around with your traitor collogues.
He ditched his royal attitude too. The new tough guy look.
"I'll have to circle back to my lawyer on that".
I'd like give each of them three extra large martinis and put them in a room together.
Her 15 minutes are up. Next.
Volume 2. Crazy thing. I had to go to the moon to find the true map of the earth. Won't find it in any National Geographic atlas map. Think mirror. Right?