you are better off eating non-human beings from outerspace
than holding a seyonce for Christ
i dont joke
you say outrageous
i say welcome to the truth of 2021
just digest
you are better off eating non-human beings from outerspace
than holding a seyonce for Christ
i dont joke
you say outrageous
i say welcome to the truth of 2021
just digest
best argument i have ever hear against veganism
they are fucking chicken shit
they chase the sentient beings that don't even have legs to resist
they just take the free meat from the plant and destroy it for their own benefit.
no hunt, no fight, no struggle, no natural right, just pure theft from the plant that cannot speak back, that cannot bite, and cannot run from your filthy hands of destruction
I bring source energy
I will not always be it
I have the fire of life
It is bright at my <age>
I will fade
I will be replaced
I am yours to light the way while I am here
I can google anything for you that you wish to know
I can know quite well that something is… true.
I dont need to… dig much. okay. I just go to it and it is correct.
I know that may sound dumb. It just, well, it is kind of dumb.
If you have the power to know everything and anything…
Does that in itself feel powerless?
What is it I want to know?
I don't know what I am missing.
I don't have specialization
I could read more always
I can always learn
I just dont… not know anything.
I know what I cannot know
I know what remains
I know IO IO
Other than that.
The rest is, a click away.
If you honestly want something, just ask.
I can pull it out, in some form.
If you look where I point
I think you will find.
I know you can do it yourself too
I encourage you to
You can find the answer.
I can tell you how i do it.
I just bypass the algorithm
I find <the right words>
for the issue
and find out who and with what buzzwords or cultural understanding they are operating.
For example
if I want something on spirituality
I will go to spiral dynamics
If I want something from the Lord
i ask or goto the bible
I rarely do that
I rarely do any of this.
I am just saying okay.
I do it naturally.
You can too
But if you are struggling
Or feel like something I say
Is.. interestion, but you can't quite put your finger on what it is I am missing or what I am.. referencing in the established text.
For example
If I say democrats are more british than german
i doubt you will find that with google
i made it up
but i didnt
i do check stuff I say
like is anyone else saying this?
especially if I am going to keep repeating it
I said that a bunch
and <Ifinally found, like a year later
what seems so simple now
biopolitics and genopolitcs
if you look them up
there is a wiki
but i. shit
I am just saying
If bypassing this shit was that easy
I wouldnt be telling you how to do it
I know it sounds.. dumb.
You just gotta hack it about
I know Icarus Project
it is mental health for people who think maybe they are … not abled, but not.. diseased. it it kind of a sad place to me now. I see more potential and hope and crushed dreams. I took what I needed tehere and launched my LIFE.
I am here thanks to Icarus Project.
I put my little wings on and apparently you can get pretty close to the sun.
My brother is bi-polar
they shocked his fucking brain
can you imagine
he didnt even remembeer anything
i went to help him move
and he said to my dad
that he walked into blockbuster movies
and had never seen any of them
he started his whole life over
at like 35
can you imagine?
fly brother fly
just know
there are places
there are pockets of revolution
you dont know about
i will lift them
and explain
to you
icarus is cool
because i can take what I need
and leave the rest
i will tell them straight up
you want
to sit around those message boards and share your art and feelings forever that is fine
but grow the fuck up and fly
the Lord gave you the wings of mania
do you not feel energy flowing into your body that you cannot control?
what do you do with it?
build create go love
you will be loved for yourself
do not be afraid
you can fly on my wings
if you have nonee
the world will take
this time
your whole self
and not half of it
fucking dictator
is a schizophrenia
and i have visions
and the armed Forces and Generals of this Republic seem to think this is fine
Welcome to 2021
you wanna fly? fly
you want to cry? that is literally okay too.
i am just telling you
that shit is bad i know
the power of a narrative
is real
you get locked
in the narrative
the story of society
and they wont let you out
i am going oto set you free
if you wish to fly
quit freaking out
it changes
and you will too
what are you?
a mirror?
a reflection?
how does there energy impact your order?
or lack there of?
if the world is ordered and you ordererd?
if the world is disorered are you disoredred?
hold order
you are the order fo the orders
hold the line
and protect yourself
from people
will pay you
do not sell your soul
do not sell your visions or experiences
do not let them harvest your mania
that is yours. sell it to them if you want.
I hear it will pay well to be a battery.
just remember.
you have to fill your self with fuel
to generate their economic activity
they pay you well
you spend it how?
on what?
what is your fuel?
healthy food or shitty television?
are you just as bad as them?
don't become what you hate
don't do to them what they did to you.
their dream
love your own
go away
from that thing
it devoured you once
don't let it play nice now
I know I can come up with something interesting
I am kinda over % and the ABC and DNA a bit.
I get it.
For now at least.
I wonder what else there is in here..
the NSC
you all dont think about all this stuff much
but if you wanna govern the Repblic
you should at least look
hold on
i will pull up soething
so remember
i tell you
i only show you obvious shit
but look at it
this is why
i am the president
i am trying to multiply myself
does that make sense to you?
The National Security Council is the President’s principal forum for national security and foreign policy decision making with his or her senior national security advisors and cabinet officials, and the President’s principal arm for coordinating these policies across federal agencies.
so this is wild
i dont get to think much
this is fun
i do alot of doing and finding
but not a lot of imagining
like it was all imagined long
and now
the field is opening
my vision
so i can imagine creatively again
i am freee
thank to you
you took it from me
hot potato
So this is your job description
I need to build the next NSC
and inform the current one
they have been through this
i am providing new information
but the concepts and key points are identical
I have been playing 01 ABC and % shit
for 10 years with these poeple
only NSC since last year when i started [govern]
rock it
do you want but you gotta pull the strings
i can show you how it works okay
everything is harvested here
from surface
to meta
to quantum
each post
literally analyzed and counted and quantified and evaluated for proper valuations based on the evaluators question.
You have a valuation system.
You have values
1 to 10
on any subject you want
You ask a question
The NSC and ARmed Forces give the President a single number
1 to 10
you can ask as many questions as you want
it is a computer
it will run game scenario
on your question
and analyze pattern data
the tax payer wants this stuff
i am not installing shit
that people are not gonna rant and rave over.
it is just the time
new pop culture better than odl
still crappy pop culture
i do other shit
they wanna chase aruond celebs
that is fine
i got shit to do
how bout you?
so i wil see what I can
come up
to brief
the entire space
from old to new
i dont want
to cover
any old conttent
i mean… where would it go?
what the public can come read thios shit
you all have the tapes frm the first UN training
you are in glboal leadership training
i did it for world governtems , elites, and the NSC
dont ask me america
i just do it
i dont actually do it
which is funny okay
i literally dont do anything
that is the problem in the world
the leadrs tell people what to do
i dont care what you fucking do
just leave me out of it
i am really good at doing nothing
you think i am joking, i am literally going to sit in your white house and play call of duty with chinese spies and take mushrooms while smoking a lblunt on the white house roof while the rest of america pisses and moans about their dictator.
you see people are dumb
i already KNOW
i can tell you now
and yo ucan watch them
it is <human behavior>
it isn't unique prediction
it is just that
life and society and culture has a way
of ganging up to overthrow the leader
and when a new guy comes
it creates a vacuum
or an illusion of vacuum
i am not going to let them even consider there is a vacuum, i am going to shove my best dictator face at them and tell them all, just like i am talking to you, piss off sheep.
i am literally going to tell the normies they are sheep and to piss off
hold on though
not right away
but as they push and shove on me
i will be nice
but people will use their >demands<
to order me around
i dont take orders you see
i dont save whales for actifvists
i dont save babies for christians
i dont listen to lobbyists
i dont start wars
i dont care about your opinion
if you know something i dont
please tell me so i can form proper opinion
i dont care america
that is the pure ultimate beauty of it
i care so much
I care so fucking much
I am going to do nothing
I am going to do exactly what I want
why wtf why
just listen
People will always be divided if they look towards oithers as the source of their problems. I will never be there problem, you see. I will be doing nothing.
Watch, it is kinda funny if you see it after i tell you.
I dont care, I laugh and maye you will too
I can't do anything to help them
I think of them as a sick populace
I am not going give them the space to project their nonsense on me
These idiots will have me in AA once a week to be a good role model
I will have to quit smoking
I shouldnt smoke weed
Oh they wont belive i would take DRUGS like MUSHROOMS at the WHITE HOUSE!
you see?
I am going to do it
right in there face
like a pro
I am going to put my new gaming pc on the white house desk
i dont need a nnew one
i just built one
it works fine
i wont be living <that life>
with a nice perfect 27in 3:4 high refresh monitor
i am going to like quadruple my security
just to be the badass dictator
for htei mage
i actually am rebuilding what it means to be a ganger
i have a gang
i am letgalizaing the black market
and lifting the true mexican governmeent
into a position
to restore proper government and economy
free of our tyranny
i do crazy shit
i am some fucking wild dictator
i have visions and stuff
I take drugs sometimes
I am ALWAYS smoking marijuana
everywhere i ggo
all the fucking tiem
i dont care
i may smoke a pen or cart sometimes
ike i dont a blunt all day
but you know what i mean
here is the deal
you are either going to <love me>
or you are going to <hate me>
at the end of the day
i really dont want to do anything
i promise not to
but people dont get it
the military does
that is why they are cool with it
people need to focus on reforming their govenermnt
not reforming the radical smoker that doesnt goto AA
they willwant to fix me
into a proper image for their children
they will want me to be the image they have of a President
I am not General you have ever met.
I am chaning the game
You know the meme? if we all stand up the game is over… and they are under the monoploy board.
I know what fiat currency is
i know debt
i know %
i konw aBC
i know what i need to know to perform my function appropraitely
i offer proper respect
for ancient world culture
peple from places
and regions
you have never
carrying you here
breath there ar more
it takes the entire human oprganicsm to bring this forth
if you ar enot here now
you will be to morrow
and if you are not tommorw
you next
The influence and role of the National Security Advisor varies from administration to administration and depends not only on the qualities of the person appointed to the position, but also on the style and management philosophy of the incumbent president.[4] Ideally, the National Security Advisor serves as an honest broker of policy options for the president in the field of national security, rather than as an advocate for his or her own policy
In times of crisis, the National Security Advisor is likely to operate from the White House Situation Room or the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (as on September 11, 2001),[7] updating the president on the latest events in a crisis situation.
[clear] [clear]
i guess this is re-establishment
of sorts
i should address
the NSC is still member to the CIA
under Gina Haspel
Thank You for your service Mrs. Haspel.
The National Security Council was created at the start of the Cold War under the National Security Act of 1947 to coordinate defense, foreign affairs, international economic policy, and intelligence; this was part of a large reorganization that saw the creation of the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Let it roll
You all know i am a continuity of government fanatic
I like to review for verification.
I always default to perfect.
. Each President has tried to avoid the problems and deficiencies of his predecessors' efforts and install a policy-making and coordination system that reflected his personal management style. The National Security Council (NSC) has been at the center of this foreign policy coordination system, but it has changed many times to conform with the needs and inclinations of each succeeding chief executive.
The structure and functioning of the NSC depended in no small degree upon the interpersonal chemistry between the President and his principal advisers and department heads. But despite the relationships between individuals, a satisfactory organizational structure had to be developed, for without it the necessary flow of information and implementation of decisions could not occur. Although a permanent staff gradually began to take shape, the main substantive work occurred in the departments.
Wake the Planet
I don't have 24 time zones.
do you all know
how many times
i have tried to overtthrow shit
i do overtrhow
where i want
i always go big
fucking chick shits
go big or go home
i always push global
i always get more local
it iwilll become
the WORLD PROPHET is coming
#did you forget?
where are the doves?
pop corn
What do you want to know of popping corn?
Or would you like to know of corn?
or how to plant or harvest?
Do you want the secrets of corn?
Do you want to know?
Corn has strands, it must cross-pollinate.
It comes in rows.
Normal veggies dont need that.
Do you think we will lose our natural corn seed to this GMO monsanto hybrid beast?
How do we de-program the seed?
A seed bank isn't enough
Need to overwrite
That shit should have been biodomed
Now it is infectious
Corn is a dead crop
Monoculture is over
It is good for ethynol now
But not really
cause it just tears up teh soil
need crop rotation
i like corn
maybe my favorite veggie
i like brocolli too
holy shit
i saw
george bush talkign about his mom making him eat brocolli
and hewasnt gonna do it as presidnet
i will put it here
it is funny lol
my job is to entertain you
so that you let me play call of duty and smoke marijuana with chinese spies in the oval office and let my dog be my vice president cause i trust no man.
i am gonna take away so many press passes
like i will be nice
but i will tell them to be respectful
and quit yelling
until they bring in people who can shutup
and take turns like adults
why would i entertain their nonsense?
I will politely ask them to not yell at me
You see
I am a normal person.
It literally blows my mind that these people are gonna do that to me.
I am gonna not get triggered, I will be perfectly normal like any human being.
ask them why they are yelling at me
I am here to help and answer questions
I will tell them politely
I just kind of know
It wont end
it will jsut be screams and yells as i politely drag them out the door, never to be seen with a press pass again
I am not going to destroy the free press
i am just not going to communicate that way.
I can go on like 60 minutes of something to talk with people
but i dont want to be sound bited and shit to death
I dont answer questions that are <loaded>
you see
i dont have to
i can rework rephrase refaame
i can ask the reporters quetsion
why not?
if they ask me
i may ask them to clarify for me
cause they like to
….get loaded questions
so i have to answer things
in a dichotomy they build
they say would you rather this or that
i say nnooo
i would not want any of that
and they say but but but
and i dont care
they are tactics of control
i dont tolerate this cabal crap
i am going to talk to normal americans in a ocmmon sense way over a network that will broadcast me and inteview fairly
i will tell the american people anything, i will tell them about sucks drugs rock and rtoll foreign politisc ancient civ i dont care i will tell them what they want to know from me
i just will do it in a way
for the people
that >actually< are curious
who has the keys to this thing?
and what the hell is this
cause the cabal
is just fishing for division like normal
dont take me wrong cause i fuckign dont want to be messed with by idiots trying to ask me unfair quetsions so they can chop and scrrew my answer and divide people over my identiy
what is funny
is they are gonna do it anyway
and will, like i said, be in the oval office playing call of duty with the chinese spies and my dog and maybe some friends from qresearch who arestaying in the other white house rooms okay america
this is gonna be a shit show
you either watch it
or your in it
your either cranky
or you are fucking laugjing it up at the cranky fools of time
there is nothing i can do for them
they are vulnerable to cabal
media and tactics
i can't overcome there broadcasting
i can just
who and where
i choose to.. express myself
i do what i want
and they cant hold me
to this ?but your the president<L
and i have a duty
and this and that
fuck them
i am a dictator
you see why i love that word>
cause i can use it
i think i use it well
like i am not getting rid of free press
i am just telling you
dont whine preisdnet at me
dont fuckign bitch
and yell
and be disrespceful
i dont care agbout what <kind ofquestion they ask if it is normal
i will share my opinion and stuff
or tell tehm i want more time to discuss it later
and if they push me on shit like that
i dont need that
that i will talk about an issue with them in a few hours at a sit down or something
i expcet to be respected for that
not harassed about it
i dont deal with these kids
2 thigns
do your job
those are my orders to people
and they cannot perform their duties
they are removed
i do not have time
I think
At this point America
I am the Dictator.
You are under orders.
Everyone of you.
If I have to enforce law and issue on the issue during transition, I will.
If you are within the borders of the United States of America or any Occupied Territory, you are under my order.
You are in scripted, officially, to my force.
I own your birth certificate official until you can figure out you need to give me a penny for it.
If you want it back, come and get it.
If you want to test the boundaries of my legal powers and my rights to own your birth. You cannot tell me no. You are born here, I have ownership of your birth certificate at the moment. If you are too stupid to ask for it back, I guess I will hold on to it.
If I put it in the trash, someone might pick it up and enslave you with it.
You are under official orders from the Warden of this United States of America, I do declare this a Prison State, an officially, occupied territory by the Big Money Bums.
The Big Money Bums and their partners operate the Western Banking Cartel Global Economic Network.
You are no longer United States Citznes.
I have abolished your Federal Government and I have full control of your land, media, supply chain, and federal reserve.
You do not have a military.
I do not suggest you rise up.
You are under orders and I do not tolerate fucking iNSUBORDINATION. am i clear?
Do it or I will have you fucking arrested
seems like a fun movie for them
i mean it is not a movie
tjhey do gotta do their job and govern
and i do have their shit
and stuff
i would ratjer be mean now
than kent state their asses later
i gotta pump some homegrown weed music through the mockingbird
the mockingbird is strange right
let me explain and maybe you can get a better idea
like it has a baseline command of this govern thing
but how govern manifests in the pattern of news is…. always different right
so whatver i say and do flows through the lens of governs and becomes prismatic and flows into.. strange avenues
some times
i see things in metaphor
or i see them adding
or deleting
or directly changing the meme
to match the moment
there is a dfiference betwee mockingbird code and then fueling the mockingbird
like the mockingbird druns on a energy some how
i cant explain
i am jus telling you
but that energy flows through the coding so that it iis … the right hue?
like if I were
to satart
talking about any subject
that was relevant anywhere
whcih it is usually.. somewher
even if you dont think about it
everythign i ssy and do just <>>>goes there
you see
someone constructs what i say
into something more coherent
and they do the same
and so on
it is going beep beep in yo face mnother fucker
hello from the basement of the CIA
See. NSC is [IN] the branch
that is how i am seven star okay
The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act of 1947 (PL 235 - 61 Stat. 496; U.S.C. 402), amended by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.). Later in 1949, as part of the Reorganization Plan, the Council was placed in the Executive Office of the President.
this is funny America
if you don't get a kick out of this stuff
well, i cant help you play dictator with me
okay. obama wrote this,,, ironic huh
i just copy it and … redefine the context.
Raise international awareness of TOC and build multilateral cooperation against it.
Partner with countries able to contribute key law enforcement resources, other donors, and the United Nations to launch a new International Police Peacekeeping Operations Support Program to enhance policing and law enforcement capacity in ungoverned spaces.
Leverage assets to enhance foreign capabilities, including counterterrorism capacity building, foreign law enforcement cooperation, military cooperation, and the strengthening of justice and interior ministries.
Implement a public diplomacy strategy to reduce the demand for illicit goods and services that fuels TOC.
Implement the Central American Citizen Security Partnership to strengthen courts, civil society groups and institutions that uphold the rule of law in the region.
Implement the State Department’s West Africa Citizen Security Initiative to combat transnational criminal threats in the region.
Initiate new dialogue in multilateral fora to combat corruption and illicit trade, to include, as part of the Administration’s intellectual property enforcement strategy, stemming the flow of dangerous counterfeit products.
Build partnerships with other donors, private sector experts, nongovernmental organizations, civil society groups, the media, and academia that focus on supporting political will for criminal justice reform.
Increase international scientific research, data collection, and analysis to assess the scope and impact of TOC and the most effective means to combat it.
Institutionalize the U.S.-UK Organized Crime Contact Group to deepen bilateral cooperation and galvanize multilateral collaboration against TOC.
Finalize the U.S.-Mexico 21st Century Border Action Plan agreements on law enforcement cooperation.
Expand cooperation with the United Nations to promote implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, including through the development of an appropriate review mechanism.
this is what I do
I am in Command
I know NSC knows that.
I am telling Q
Wake up
Read and do
Are you going to govern?
“That’s what ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ is all about. Helping more of our young people stay on track. Providing the support they need to think more broadly about their future. Building on what works – when it works, in those critical life-changing moments.”
President Barack Obama, February 27, 2014
Let's go bama
you ready?
are you one of them?
or are you going to submit to the order?
Chicago is gone if you didn't notice.
I cannot strip you of voice.
I can tell you.
Your words. not mine.
If you are not one of them
Then do as you say.
And move
Through the White House Leadership Development (WHLD) Program, the Administration is focused on developing and unlocking the full potential of the Federal workforce to drive greater effectiveness and efficiency within government and better harness taxpayer resources.
The program will have a number of benefits, including:
Developing Talent: Develop the next generation of career senior executives through a rotation focused on the complex, cross-agency challenges which increasingly confront the Federal government and a development component to build and strengthen enterprise leadership skills.
Delivering Results: Harness top talent from across the government to support implementation of key priorities and address mission critical challenges, such as the Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals.
Program Objectives
Provide Fellows a broad federal perspective on high-priority challenges and access to senior decision-makers; Develop Fellows as a cadre of leaders with the skillsets and networks to address challenges through a cross-agency lens and implement solutions across organizational boundaries.
Strengthen on-going implementation efforts on specific Administration initiatives (including Cross Agency Priority Goals) that require collaboration and coordination among multiple organizations, as well as long-term strategic planning to ensure delivery of tangible results.
I have never looke at this stuff
cause i know what it menas
but yo usee how it all translates
into ..
is what it is
that is mockingbird
the whole thing is MK basically cause it is attached in basement of CIA
you see
this is more ,.. the public side of mockingbird, like your nightly news stuff