Anonymous ID: 818e7c Feb. 4, 2021, 6:16 p.m. No.12826048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>be communists from the democrat [cabal] militias antifa & BLM

>run a communist insurrection in the US for more than six months

>convicted domestic terrorist bomber Susan Rosenberg is on the board of BLM

>insurrection is financed by major US corporations, high finance and CIA affiliated NGOs

>burn down churches

>tear down statues

>loot businesses

>burn down businesses

>burn down police stations

>murder police captain

>murder almost two dozen people

>burn down the west coast

>corrupt FBI and DOJ do nothing about this


>be disenfranchised trump supporters

>experience fraudulent election


>demand election audit during protest at the capitol

>agitators mix in

>capitol police allow protesters to walk into the capitol

>protesters also force their way inside

>walk around capitol

>sit in people's chairs

>1 officer is hurt and dies (cause still unknown)

>1 protestor killed, questionable shooting yet no likely charges

>1 officer commit suicide

>nationwide manhunt from the FBI

>billboards in California requesting tips

>more than 100 people arrested

>all Trump supporters described as terrorists by legacy press

>DC militarized

>massive hyperventilating overreaction used as a vehicle to illegally spy on and persecute right wing political opponents and try to take away their right to free speech