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>Listening to (((CNN))).
>They have been going off about "Q-ANON" non stop.
>What are these PATHETIC JEWS afraid of?
The most media and gov't savvy Kikes, WASPS, Politicians, lobbyists, grievance hucksters, glow niggers, bureaucratic aparatchicks from NATO members to the CCP, the medical cartel, the bio weapons mad scientists, and big tech, not only couldn't defeat him, but their ever increasing fury and over commitment of ammo, only ever backfired in their faces.
Never laid a glove on him. GEOTUS is enjoying some free time at a palace that make Epstein's temple of depravity to their gods look cheap and tawdry, while the DC cabalists and DERP Staters spend much of their day passing through a labrynth of Byzantine security fences that must feel as oppressive as any gulag in Siberia.
Rising stars, like AOC continue to run afoul of the Trump curse, while Rinos and Dims are sweating bullets over the utter collapse of their most recent criminal conspiracy against Trump collapses as the unconstitutional Stalinesque show trial looms. The entire rotten rogues gallery of reprehensible frauds and cowards is sweating bullets that Trump throws down all the election rigging evidence, that they all participated in, as proof of his innocence in front of the utterly comp'd professional clown show that is the USeless Senate.
Throw in corrupt Italian politicians and defense contractors, for good measure, and yet Trumps approval is higher than "80 gorrillion vote" creating, charisma lacking, job destroying, broken down clown car that is the Biden Administration and still the Puke's McCarthy had to kiss Trumps ring and genuflect to his throne. Imagine how many times these felons have destroyed or killed off their opponents, and yet Trump stands there, without a spec of dirt on his suit, nor a bead of sweat on his brow, laughing at them, with both middle fingers turned up to 11.
All we need now is for Yakkitty Sax to play just while Chuckie shuffles toward the podium to begin the trial.