thanks tor ebaker. looks like the only thing anons can agree on is how long is too long without a bread kek
i am that baker. i just did 10hrs in the kitchen. ask anons if im trust worthy. and if thats not good enough for you, BV can confirm if they like. not me.
>>12827203 lb
because idiots like you like to jump in and start making assumptions about shit you dont know. anons saw me bake today. point your finger where ever you want.
because you suggested to check out the baker because of the larp post trolling the kitchen. as if i marathon bake just so i can mess with anons when i cant bake any moar
thats a great Q post. and a good reminder. thanks anon.
naw. not a fight. we're good.
no i dont come here to fight with anons. im sure its just a misunderstanding.
im betting this probably fits in somewhere.
kek no. well, kinda
>Hunter Biden Writing Memoir Based On Drug Abuse – Gets A Cool $2 Million In Advance
and now comes months of exhaustive research.
i meant hunter using his windfall to "research" his drug abuse.
>but my fucking sides
wholly shit i can relate anon
kinda weird. an "op is always faggot" reminder is how i started my day here today