>Rolling for id
>The assassination program targets individuals who represent an immediate threat to the U.S government or the CIA itself; usually individuals with the knowledge of CIA's shadowy interests or people who need to be silenced to prevent exposure of highly clandestine information.
Don't Treadstone on me, bro
I'm just searching for Truth…
>Update: Just went back to original tweet to sauce it as the triggered left replies are kekking hilarious as they were so panicked that a Baidan DoD was posting such "white nationalist" "conspiracy theory" language but lo and behold the tweet has been taken down!
God, this timeline is so fucking embarrassing.
Social media must be forever destroyed
Then television. Then half the damn books in every last public school.
Only preserving a few copies for evidence. Just so we can show the future just how fucking bad these idiots were.
Save us, Oh Age of Aquarius!
Don't just stand there and look down on us.
Do something, already!
>This bitch is trippin pretty hard.
Yeah. No. It's a LARP
Or a LARP of a LARP
But a LARP of a LARP is still a LARP
So, it's probably a LARP, whether it's the real LARP or the LARP of the LARP
>The calendar is wrong.
I know. It's all a clusterfuck
>Go look at Indian sidereal astrology if you want to get a clearer picture of the fraud.
Will look into that, too. Thanks for the tip (no homo)
>Then read Ptolemy and Geminos and do some math on precession.
As long as it's not common core…
Yeah, I'm pretty deep in the alternate timelines, fraudulent history, fake "sciece", and all the jumbo mumbo.
I'm actually trying to figure out how to get muh case in front of some kind of court, just to show how fubar things really are.
Was hoping it wouldn't come to that, but I don't seem to have any other way out.
So, fuck 'em all for tryin' to fuck wit' US
>Been thinking about Demolition Man since the scamdemic started.
Welp. You've come to the right place!
>THE FOLD IN THE SPACIAL PLANE, THE POLE SHIFT IF YOU WILL. and This is what we are about to go through. its a stargate. that simple.
Brah. Everything in the Universe is Electromagnetic
The "pole flip" happened in a MAJOR cataclysm, but NOT a reoccurring one.
When lightning strikes, the current alternates many times a fraction of a second.
The "pole flip" just so happened to record a MAJOR arc blast, that shot across the surface of the Earth, North to South, South to North, North to South, South to North, etc. as charges were being balanced between two MUCH larger celestial bodies, all while our main landmass was ripped apart into the continents we have today.
Electricity and Magnetism is "The Force".
"Gravity" is merely a by-product. Static cling, if you will. Again, EVERYTHING is Electricity and Magnetism.
CERN is just one really big con job, trying to convince people about "warped space-time" to get people to send moar money so they can pretend to study shit that does not even exist.
Guess what they use at CERN? Pretty much one of the largest stockpiles of Electromagnets, just so they can pretend like the Electromagnetic Force has absolutely nothing to do with what they are supposedly studying at CERN