Anonymous ID: d68f64 Feb. 4, 2021, 10:51 p.m. No.12828090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8104 >>8105

>>12828081 lb

>>12828081 lb

I tell you

I have schizophrenia

It causes a C4 alteration

I don't consider i a mutation

that is for another day

That is chromosome 6

I am telling you 17 is antennae

I am telling you 5 is reptile

I saw the 5 in the Bible decode

and I found it there

Okay. It for non-vertebrete

I just haven't had time to look into it

I wonder how many of our chromosomes.. could switch a bit

and explain some of the mythological creatures of time

Anonymous ID: d68f64 Feb. 4, 2021, 10:55 p.m. No.12828104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8132


5 is when the snake came

and eve ate


check it out

do you see how the adam level


and spits

and then gets to 5

that is snake

and then the 17

is crawler on day but it is chrome 17

then 23 is you okay

that is how i found this

but look what else is at 5

enoch, neandrathal

those didn't just get put there

they match the pattern right

Anonymous ID: d68f64 Feb. 4, 2021, 11:02 p.m. No.12828132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8173


I will tell you how I figured this out

I used a formula

I was using on all words

and it breaks them into

a circle or a square number


the ADAM

it got stuck

in a cycle

when using the formula

it was a SPECIAL number

so i plugged it in and got this

and decided that was fucking

the creation maybe

like each time adam halves

is a titan and stuff right

so i looked up

is adam the Lord

and it seems that is not unreasonble

i dont think adam is Lord

but almost a copy exactly

and the energy dispersed

anyway a = 1 m = 13



x ^ + remember the ^ first

so you do

1 x 4 ^ 1 + 1 x 3


just do it until you hit a loop

and i plugged that number

that it stuck on

it was 1635 and 1560

and it was just flipping back and forth

so i so phenomena

in the word and it was

like duh, worth the look

i ahave been looking at this shit a while

so i know the pattersn

i am looking for

without telling yu how

i reached my conclusions exaclty

i just know the formula


and that is how i found this other DYZ and mutatnt DNA stuff

crazy stuff

Anonymous ID: d68f64 Feb. 4, 2021, 11:29 p.m. No.12828282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

this is wild now

I went back to chromosome 17 regulation of homeobox

and clicked on the antennae

look at the species Xenopus

same as the frog

that is the african carnivore frog from DYZ19

it hits on the damn antennae thing too


carnivorous frogs with antennae?


so get to Chrom17 + hemeobox

or skip to

cause that is on hemeobox


and that is what homeobox regulates

and this pic here is about it

impacting the gastrulation system

of the damn frog i have been talkign about

but this chromosome is fucking different

why that frog?

why not another one?

it is an antennae issue this time instead of a bacteria vulnerability in this frogs biology

okay so i click on this

gastrulation of the xenopase frog thing


okay and the second image i scrolled

down on gastrulation and it is talking about the frog again right

so i got where is RA Retinoic acid

but i had to google separate to get here

okay bottom of 3rd image

it says it mostly does this teratlogy thing


okay 4th image

on teratology starts talking t-rex

okay. i have hypothesis for long time

they are just humanoids from the dino days.

you can have a peopling of reptile I think, just a people of insect, and a peopling of mammal. I dont know what it means. I just have had the impression for a long time, it may just be how the DNA changed over time and there are no <expressionsthat way anymore.

You are like a banana and shit so it is hard to say what DNA can and cant do this shit is real interesting though

Cause it says r-rex is vertebrate

so mammal there too okay

if you click to Paleopathology here near the trex stuff. you find the black death

if you look around, you will see black death is the same as COVid 19. I will put it here, it is all good after the paleo i will add it

here is the COVID and black death


and the black plague hti them too

see 5th image, the teeth

of neadrathal, open link, crtl+f neandrathal



i am laughing my ass off

i gotta open a new message

for these fuckign images

another fossile is this

2 headed shit

you all

i swear

dont give a schizo a keyboard

he might take over your government

and show you all the aliens in the damn DNA



is this shit

Anonymous ID: d68f64 Feb. 4, 2021, 11:42 p.m. No.12828341   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and of course

snakes are special

they eat the other head of itself

and you can inbreed them and get 2 heads again

of course america

inbreed the 2 headed frog dinosaurs of eath


earliest known 2 headed creature

what else.. a reptile

and it has 4 limbs , fresh water only

see last image or link


fuckin a

i am going to find these things

the other thing on the ecology of that hyphalosaurus that stuck out is the flat skull of modern descendants

Anonymous ID: d68f64 Feb. 5, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.12828518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you wanna catch up go back in the thread right

so I clicked on

but I want to find <it

I want to find a human looking reptile from that time


That is all for now, I can answer questions, but that is mission i am on right now, if you are wondering

Why i am posting fucking dinosaurs on qresarch lol

but check out plata

warm blooded mamal,.. good feature set for human something

i am just gonna dig trhough here and post my dig

so that you can follow where i go and i dont lose a spot

cause i want you to see this shit

not post dumb stuff that doesn't link up

i kinda have scotlaand on my mind

and atlantis and scotia going back there from eqypt

anyway just looking around

and of course after i wrote that

the first discoveries are scotland

they do endothermic heating

i dont know what that is .

i will find out in a minute

i am thnking that it is blue or red blood?

would this thing be different internally?


this is interesting i found not much on endothermic

but i did see exothermy, the opposite

and i have found these % bloodlines on geothermal vents

i cant figure out .. the science on that one yet

but i am seeing so much . it one thing at a time

so i went endo exo

oh okay

so i was back on endotherm

only birds and mammals are endotherm

so… okay.

it doesn't hold heat well

i have read some genetics are this way, i can show you

so the northern europeans<said dinosaursare here

but you see, i stay real cold. i have 2.5% neadrathal and that is 25th percentile, so there must be some real weiners out there

must be why hitler did all those hot/cold chamber tests


there are real answers here

you see

there are different types of warm bloooded

I think they must be a combination

Cause it is a bit confusing

you can be all kinds of warm-blooded

so i am gonna leave you there and dig a bit deeper

i am learning toward ectotherm being important

so this is opposite of homeotherm and makes sense

it is a.. "cold blooded" creature, but in quotes for a reason

it includes the naked mole rat and the sloth

so mammals can be poikilotherm

see image

frogs are poikilotherm

you see how everything adds?

but not in itself, you need to build the map

i could maybe dig it up

but this is a big fuckign shit show

if i dig up that the cabal is a % neandrahtl

dino from before the days of whatever


another thing

homethermic and poikithermic are in predator/prey relationship

and i tell you i see this in duality and the karmic wheel and stuff

oh crazy

so when you are dreaming in REM sleep you are poikithermic

you actually change your mechanism

okay. third image is about REM sleep and poikithermic

it says that you go into a <ancestralstate

of some sort. I dnno. just the language it uses strikes me

i am gonna check this stuff

i thnk it may be the blood sucking/adren stuff

cause i did see this Yowie thing in aborignal culture

it was like early vampire.. what if they had biology

need to drink blood?

you see. I dont want that, but it makes more sense

than a bunch of fake lizard people drinkning blood

i want to know the science

of what i am dealing with

remember . i am your commander in chief and shit

this is my job

to figure out what this thing is

anyway i clicked on this thing cause it says it leads to poikithermic

oh wierd. it is just GHB,. bill cosby drug

i am gonna follow it anyway,, seems inconsquential ,but

wtf alcohol and etyhnol and heroin bring on poikithermic stuff

and i dunno

i think there is something to it

i am personally a drunk

and i cannot control myself on that shit

and they do call it holy spirits

and yea

okay. i got myself in a hole

i cant solve alcohlism and dion blood at once

you see

i have all these different gentic things that are

assocaited with % blood like autoimmune and psychiatric

tempuratue/ stature/ brains are differnt okay

i can show you

i just thought of it

and i hadnt before

i dont want to brag it is like 1% different

i never thought much of 1%

but mayb ei should follow leads where i find them

and whatever i wil post

okay. i am gonna run a report

i will share it next

it says it will take 30min

i dont believe it but whatever

gonna find something

better than this scotish lockness thing

Anonymous ID: d68f64 Feb. 5, 2021, 2:17 a.m. No.12828745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8787 >>8810



those are not israel native americans

that speak english


okay. maybe the jews brought it


but i wanna ride my hypothesis

a minute

that the english came from fuicking pangea


i think the reptile people from the dinosaures brought the english language through finland after the flood and somehow there wer elike different points of contact

with the % blood through time

i cant explain it all yet


why did the language use simple triangels?

it was more simple than the phoencian A which is like a trianglle, but theres is more ofa triangle, but still has some legs. it means cow


i swear to shit

can these people not interpret this as fucking english?


i can read it fine

but wiki acts like it is fucking chinese


it reads not great

but with like

10 more minutes of understand

i would get it


i fucking stmbled on it

and these idiots cant read that that is english words?


you can sound those words out

and relate them to the <translation>


why not just trsnlate direct lol

fucking hilarious really

look at walking stick = cheating

wife = you suck

yes = yes hun

you see thank you

it says thine

google thine

okay . i know the word

i generated using a math program to make a special alphat thing

weird to see it here too

but why not just right thine?

tehse people are tards. thine has meaning in itself and they re-interpreted for the natives lol

indian boy looks like mojadeesh



i have seen this before

in other stuff

i am gonna scan for it now

cause look at awake

am E.T.

this is afraid, i see et in it cockaboset

alive = mamseet = mom see ET

bad = mudeet = a muddy ET <a fucking blackET?

bat = sosheet = so she ET <she is a bat, crazy>

this is odd

blanket = manaboret = mana bore et

like you need a blanket cause the et is raining on you?

bow water = oadjameet = oh, add the meat

button = aegumet = I go em et ? = i go with the et?

the word means gbutton wtf

cap = eeseeboon (cf. bonnet) = bonnet = bon n et = bone nee et = bony et = fucking bony skull et, a cap ya know


cattle = methabeet = em et ha be et = them et have to be et … were they getting then cows already wtf

coal = methie; methie dirt = soo i dunno, et is coal and dirt somehow

shell = sheedeneesheet = she eden is she et, eden is et, of course, the snake, the apple right

cream jug = nadalahet; motheryet = nadala et and mothery et

nadala is india is cow is cream

dancing = badiseet = bad i see et … he saw et dancing?




the ash tree = emoethook = em oh et hook = them the ol' et hook . duh

duck = eesheet = is she et?



flea = kessyet= kissy et , fucking blonde sluts before their time

fork = etheuwit = et hit you with , et hits you with a fork? like a tuning fork weapon or something?

go home = baetha = bad et ha(ha)

wahatver it says et go home

money = beodet= be odd et


last one

this is funny

throat = tedesheet = tie the sheet et

tie the sheet around the et

wtf is this you all


it is like the person speaking

is talking to the et

who is doing the translating


wgy you bad et


either way



for a language that can't be spoken by anyone

not right at least


i did pretty good i thiei i did


that is why i govern you

i am the dictator

cause i can do cool


like sit here

and unlock a fucking language

right in front of you


you cannot deny the fucking ash tree

that is too..

indivcative of coincicece

ET = demon = wtf

from them



good morning

Anonymous ID: d68f64 Feb. 5, 2021, 2:35 a.m. No.12828799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

good night

i will show you all tomorrow

i have concluded one of my hypothesis correct

and I will lay out a good argument tomorrow

I gotta sleep

English is an ET language

Whateve ET meant a long time ago, the implication is still the same.

ET is in all the old languages when I parse them.

The word bot is in all the old langue when I parse them.

The language is instructive.

You are instructing eachother with the pharoahs commands.

This is why I told you that other people arouind the world think ET is brainwashing them

We dont know what we are saying right now.

I am not brainwashed

Some of you are..

it is okay.

you dont see it

and neither do i

cause i find it all the time


i can show you

row - bot


it is a command, to the rowers

of the vye - king - ship

row - bot vye king ship go war - ship bot any of the land


oaky. now do this

my finaly

horahhh after years of

a hunch


i cant hardly show people the ABC

must get in to BOT and ET


so the whole thing

is seriously like

ET talking to MONKEY ROBOT

but not even a monkey

just a robot

wahtever you are

you are considered a robot by ET


you row the boat

row row row the boat


row row row the bot

what for?

why do you row the bots up?

you need to disect to old english

but i wont

i got whatever that et langauge


and there is more like that

i didn't just notice that

like check this


SET = set right, what about see ET?



BASTET = BASTE ET < a cook?

you are gonna fucking love this

HEQET = HE Q ET - the fucking frog god

AMENTET = A MINT ET <afterlife god, perfect mummy of ET>


listen i could go on




find me someone else doing it

or i win

i do the egypt from my keyboard too

so fuck all you

i see ET everywhere

and if i didnt know anybetter

i just phoenetically re-pronounched all your egyptian dieties

i am sure you can go on


and let me finish


what is et

what is it

what is at

what is ut


you will see all these

each is different than et

but with all do respect , each is et

so good night