Anonymous ID: a35826 May 2, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.1282943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

90% chance that this entire ‘great awakening’ schtick is fake. First off, after 4 months of Q constantly talking about BOOM’s and MOAB’s, literally nothing has happened. Two, people within the inner circle of POTUS & Russia investigation have contradicted Q’s assertions from very beginning. Jeff Sessions isn’t playing 4D chess, he’s a sell out weasel, who flipped on Trump out of personal vengeance for POTUS insulting him publicly. This is confirmed from inner circle, whether it be Roger Stone + Steve Bannon + Hannity. Literally the only possible indicator that any of this is legit, would be North Korea. That’s it. And hard to confirm North Korea narrative, simply b/c of optics behind NK compliance to US terms. They’re only coming to negotiation table b/c there nuclear facility blew up. The mountain collapsed. Their poor af, and don’t have the resources to reboot nuclear program. Not b/c Trump had some secretive meeting in the Forbidden City with Kim Jong Un, who Q has indicated is a plant from CIA. Doesn’t require a massive conspiracy to understand Kim Jong Un’s rationale for developing nuclear weapons. He saw what happened to Saddam Hussein, then Qaddafi, and doesn’t wanna fall to the same fate. Face it anons, this entire project has been a giant waste of time. 90% chance Q is a LARP. Confirmed by POTUS inner circle. And I know some die hard Q faggots will respond to this by calling me a “doubtfag” or “shill” but deep down, they know what I’m saying is true. So keep fanboying Qanon, while POTUS continues pissing on his base.