Never have so many waited for so long only to see our Republic more divided, family against family, neighbor against neighbor, than ever before. The American People, along with the entire World have witnessed our Government and our Land stolen out from under us by the Silent enemy aided by the treasonous vermin within. Our great President won the Nov 3rd 2020 election in a landslide victory only to see it stolen from him by the enemies of the Republic who were always aided by an always gaslighting, an always deceiving, MSM and the SM oligarchy of Silicon Valley.
The American People watched helpless as ONE billionaire fascist psychopath with his billions of $$$ was able to divide and conquer our Country, state by state, county by country, city by city with his corruption, co-option and compromising of state and federal elected officials from sea to shining sea.
All this happened, is still happening, with a co-opted national security state, which instead of policing and safeguarding the elections did just the opposite in assuring the most fraudulent Presidential election result in U.S. history and, likely, in the history of the World.
Our valiant President did EVERYTHING within his power to bring the truth to light and rectify this most dastardly deed. Rebuffed without an iota of due process by both the Judicial and the Legislative Branches of our Government, the President, along with the American People, looked to the U.S. Military as the last resort to support, defend and preserve our Republic.