Like the Anon said. you're a fucking idiot!
Can you even print screen and paste to 3d paint faggot?
Look up a relevant post next time, do some actual work for once!
Look at the niggers slide with the " detriot,Seattle" horse shit!
LOL@ the newfags who have issues with NIGGER!
Sit down and shut the fuck up 8 post moron!
Newfag, WE SEE YOU!
You stop your little episode of crying to mommy anytime you want!
I don't get paid here Nigger, this work is is all Pro Bono!
Now why are you here newfag? Does it pay well?
Weak poetry attempt Nigger!
Next time spare us the cry baby story, get it yet nigger?
Only a newfag approaches this board in the fashion that you did, now you wanna try and convince a few anons you're a long time lurker?
Aww look little troll nigger needs some spechul attention!
Here you're newfag, still trying to wax poetic to yourself but all WE SEE is you crying!
Call your Mom, she cares Nigger!
You can't meme, you've thrown around no research, and you suck ass at shit posting!
Do tell us why you're really here Newfag nigger!
The Media won't be reporting it, they will be silenced by the military,
Re Read the drops!
16 post of crying like a newfag nigger!
Keep it going little cry baby.
Showing up on this board crying about the word Nigger explains it all to anons!
Yes its in the board rules, maybe you should read them some time newfag Nigger!
Don't throw me in the Briar patch Brear Rabbit!
You've been sucking my left nut so long the right nut is jealous Nigger!
18 posts no memes, Classic newfag!
No one's asked anything of you nigger.
We're simply calling you out and you are playing stupid nigger now!
Still trying to wax poetic to anons that aren't even reading past the first three words each time!
But, here you're!