Like this one, in a small village in the BRD… It is a little older, but there are no new news about the trial to find!
Sauce translated but sickening to the core!
In a large-scale operation, special forces stormed the computer center in the bunker a week and a half ago; the GSG 9 was also involved in the operation. According to the police, mainly illegal websites were hosted there above the city, through which criminals are said to have distributed weapons, drugs, forged documents or child pornography. Cyber attacks are also said to have been carried out via the underground data center.
This raises the question among some in Traben-Trarbach as to why suspected criminals were able to buy a bunker facility secured to military standards in the first place - from the German state, of all places.
The Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (Bima) was to sell the bunker - and apparently as quickly as possible.
The amount of evidence, if transfered to a CD would be 8km (4,9 miles) high…