>…A glitch in the 'history' matrix?
Nah. I'm pretty sure we never even had an "ice age"
Uniformitarians have absolutely no imagination, but they needed a way to "explain" things like erratic boulders, found all over the world, that completely defy the "logic" of the slow and gradual "progression" these idiots were claiming.
Many scientists did not agree with the uniformitarian ideology. Why? Because it did not even begin to explain the numerous real life shits these scientists were observing in the real world.
So, the uniformitarians "created" this period of an "ice age". Mind you, it did get cold for awhile, but that's another story, and no body really was accurately able to identify the root cause for this. Hence, the say "climate change", but don't properly identify "how?" or "why?" it all happens (CO2 has absolutely nothing to do with the global temps, obviously. Rather the change was a result of fluctuation in temp).
Anyway, once the uniformitarians came up with the "ice age" to "explain the erratic boulders, they would then point to the boulders and claim it was "proof" of the "ice age". See how that works? A scam indeed.
So, now that they had this magical "ice age", they used these concept to "explain" any anomalous features in the landscape. This is why there are "theories" that claim the ENTIRE globe was covered in ice. Because they have yet to come up with any adequate explanation what-so-ever to actually explain what we observe. So, they just make shit up, and force it down children's throats, and attack and gaslight anyone who opposes their bunk bull shit. Not enough? Make some movies, so the child becomes emotionally attached to these ideas, as parents stay none the wiser, because they too have had their minds manipulated at such a young age.
It is far moar interesting to learn about what caused all these various extinctions, and "Created" the world we observe. The world existed long before the "Creation" events which our ancestors did actually witness. There is a Force of Nature which all the "scientists" refuse to admit, even though there is ample evidence for it right in front of their faces. Some realize. Others attack them. We see this even to this very day, whether it be with "global warming" or "masks" or "vaccines", etc.
The entire "official" damn near everything we are told has been and continues to be FUBAR beyond FUBAR. Sadly, not many are aware because of the tactics of attacking and gaslighting. Still, shit's changing, yo, and the Truth will never die. It will haunt the deniers and force them to resort to acting as dangerously as they do. One day we will certainly have to stop brainwashing every last man, woman, and child. Until then, question and question. Do NOT just "accept" the fraudulent "answer", because many were intended on defrauding us further (see "climate change" legislation and tax revenue)