i see more in all too
p.s. had to come back to top
and tell you
i just started rambling, dont feel obligated to read
or take full credit for what i wrote cause you sparked a thought
relatd to other thought. you didnt create it all, but whatever i started writing led to the rest
like BEO
oh, holy shit
okay. google DET
it is like a drug
beo is alive , [more hold on]
so you have <living DMT>
beo goes to mino - to cast a spell
and further is a japanese rain coat
but i see mana in the early words
so the straw raincoat <minowas made to protect the <living DMT> from the mana<rain> of the ET.
beowolf = raincoat of the living wolf man!
okay. not really
just re-focus
det is also from determine
beo living determines the living DMT
latin is show favor or good for beo
so show favor for the living DMT
this is wild
cause DMT makes you see creatures in other dimensions, never done that, but it is all over the web
is a spirit in human form that lives?
is money a spirit in human form that lives?
i say yes
human form = material
this is currency beodut = medium of stored energy for excahnge vs free exchange of stored energy without medium
bee oh debt
another thing
bee is good
cause land of milk and honey
milk is the Lords milk from Brahma the cow
and you are the onhey Bee making the <productfor the living
so bee owe debt
bee owe debt
I owe debt
here it gets crazy
put it back together
i owe debt
iota - bit
so a bit[bit is 0101, bits] of debt is money or currency
goes to sumeria, word for jot, means iota
so jot is
super important
cause beodet = iota = jot =
wel, writing and lies, spelling
jot is an atom<adamand a mark
so jot is a mark
jot = X
like a day of the moon cycle
and you jot it on a rock with an X
to remember the beodet is bad and always returns sooETgooahomenoah
now we are at the root of the ET shit okay
so i follow jot. the mark
and it leads to OT in proto-language
so i click it, it means ought
so they are commands like i said
[J] Ought [B]ot [B]ought
the bot ought jought to the place where bought bought it
so i can translate this.. in a wierd way, that will have meaning if you choose
Eve ought run to the place where even got it from
so it is telling her to return to sourth
but you have to break it all back into B-OT
B = even OT = ought
so what ever eve went back to buy, was already of the B-ought . she went in a circle and bought her own produce
i will go ahead and smoke a joint
and make a quick list
i have
the alphabet meanisn
in a file
not perfect
but it dont mean what you think
i used math and %time of letter in the dictonary to develop a word list
i find <>particularly<interesting
it has <relevantwords, randomly generated from the old school cultures
like old chinese words for fruit
or thine, is like several meaning
i think it is a fork, like a pitchfork, but also to be alive
the ET with pitch for made alive, and you get THINE
i will make a list
so this language
can be dissect
is base for ET to instruct
if you see OT
in a word, and it sought like OUGHT
okay, indication one.
i will check on IT
and ET
you see byte is complex, Y = double i, + e, soo you have the need for E + II to make a byte, it will help you if you need to calculate bits to bytes. seriosly.