Juan O'Savin / "W" never claims to be Q. i've listened to most of his interviews back to 2013. He is not just some 'private investigator', but obviously someone with deep connections going back to the 80s.
Glean from him the insights and wisdom, but don't put your hopes on him having a copy of the Plan. He is not one of the 'fewer than 10' people Q speaks about IMO, but still highly highly relevant.
Here are just a FEW of the things he was red pilling people about since 2012/2013:
-City of London controls everything
-Clinton was a Rockerfeller
-DS owns both sides of the 'the Game', so they profit no matter who wins
-the coming decade would be about Syria and controlling oil flows, because that is the basis of wealth
-elections were rigged and controlled to get Obama into office
-Benghazi was a gun running operation
-K129 sub was a Russian [DS] attempt to launch a nuke on Pearl Harbor and blame it on the Chinese
-WW3 is really just one nuclear incident away, in a world where it is too easy for the [DS] to gain nuke access, this was way before the recent incidents we knew about from Q
-False flags, 911, Sandy Hook, Paperclip, 13 families, Saturn, Osiris, etc.
So don't discredit JOS as a paytriot simply because he wrote a book. The guy is a major fucking red pill resource, and he is speaking more truth than most people here.