I'm currently downloading ALL images from qanon.pub. Some have 404d.
I will combine them all into a single, huge file. I will try to run some commands on it (first I'll try "strings", and sort by size. Already revealed that 2/5 images from today have a photoshop profile on them, the other 3 are "raw").
Any suggestions, anon, on what to do with the images? Any ideas of open-source programs that'll find any "weird" data in there?
I did this:
Get all Qanon's posts:
wget https://qanon.pub/data/json/posts.json
Extract all image URLs from the posts:
cat posts.json | jq '.[].images[]?.url' allImages.txt
Clean the URLs (remove all "):
while read p; do echo $p | cut -c 2- | rev | cut -c 2- | rev >allImagesClean.txt; done < allImages.txt
Download all images to current folder
while read p; do curl "$p" -O; done < ./allImagesClean.txt