It is over. 45 has now, through an attorney, called himself a private citizen and not the president. End this pathetic charade. It is over.
First of all, the woman shouldn't have asked Benjamin Franklin what they ended up with. She should have demanded an answer at gunpoint.
He replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it."
Americans couldn't keep it. They failed in 1871. They failed in 1913. They are failing now. Americans cannot defend themselves. Therefore they are "meat on the table".
Not even with a 2nd amendment can Americans defend themselves from abject losers. It is pathetic beyond description.
Does being "an AMERICAN" mean that even though you are lawfully entitled to use force to overthrow corrupt governance, you consume hopium while waiting for a nonexistent cavalry to save you? Fine, then I am not "an AMERICAN". Interesting choice you made to spell "American" ALL CAPS. Freudian slip perhaps. Enjoy your fate.
>if the left wants to go there, im sure patriots are ready.
Hopium springs eternal.
What in history can you point to?
The U.S. has ALWAYS been invaded. Wake the fuck up.
Yuri Bezmenov. Until you get a fucking handle, you should lurk, you stupid fucking nigger.
Senator McCarthy was right. Is that not enough of an invasion for you?
America has ALWAYS been invaded.
And you have an imposter for a "president", a group of traitors crying crocodile tears in "your Capitol" over a staged event, a military that is slowly teetering over to treason, and a populace too morally bankrupt to do anything about it, even though they are armed with an amendment that states their right to do it, AND with the physical arms to accomplish it. And you want split hairs between infiltration and invasion. Good luck with that when the jackboots come for you, comrade.
How well does it work with the present crop of mankind, asshole?
Most Americans are so ill-educated that they do not understand the distinction between violence and force. That is a doomed nation.