Anonymous ID: 39f0ce Feb. 5, 2021, 8:40 p.m. No.12837519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7546 >>7564 >>7590 >>7977

Dear Anons,


On Wednesday the DoD announced a “Stand Down” to ferret out “Extremists” from within the military. The “Stand Down” would be in effect for Sixty days. What this effectively does is remove access to weapons and ammunition to all but a select few members of the armed forces.


Why is this significant?


In the late nineties the Rand Corporation did a series of related studies. One report concerned the military and Martial Law. The report concluded that if a Republican President declared Martial Law that 30% (thirty percent) of the armed forces would refuse to participate in the use of force against the American people. Most of the 30% would go AWOL (Absent With Out Leave).


The report also concluded that if a Democrat President declared Martial Law, 70% (seventy percent) of the armed forces would refuse to participate in the use of force against the American people. There was a twist that greatly affected the Clinton Administration and the implementation of the Globalist New World Order. Hence, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and then Hillary Clinton.


Under Martial Law declared by a Democrat President of the 70% that would not participate in the oppression of the American people a few would merely go AWOL. The majority would take control of their toys and politely say ……. with all due respect Mr. President, “Go Fuck Yourself”. I have come to the conclusion that this is the purpose of the “Stand Down”, to remove access to the tools of the 70%. The percentage of the armed forces that today would say “Go Fuck Yourself” is lower than it was twenty three years ago. This is due to the extensive purging of patriotic, religious (Christian) and constitutional (all extremists) command staff that began under George W. Bush and then accelerated bigly under Barack Obama. The current percentage of the armed forces that would say “Go Fuck Yourself” is still well above 50%. These mutinous, coup plotting, extremist Americans are the reason for the “Stand Down”.


Is Martial Law coming to America? I believe the answer is yes.

When will Martial Law come to America? I do not know, sooner rather than later.

What as an Anon can I do to prepare for Martial Law? Not a damn thing. Buy shelf stable food.


As an aside another related Rand Corporation study looked at what would happen if access to Manhattan Island was severely restricted. What would happen if food, goods and services, and personal travel were limited to just four bridges? The report showed the usual mayhem would soon follow. Rape, murder, theft, extortion and all manner of antisocial behavior would grow exponentially as the hours of the restrictions turned to days. Within 36 hours of the limited access to the island New Yorker's would turn to cannibalism for their sustenance. I guess Alfred Henry Lewis was optimistic with his observation that society is nine meals away from anarchy.

