>>12838170 lb
i got dick-tater memes for you all
i keep trying to get them out
and i have failed for days
i get in these typing holes
i seriously start typing
and i look up and it is like 6-8 hours later
I am a genius okay.
I don't care.
You lift weights and shit.
I lift ideas and throw them at each other.
I used to be a humble smart guy.
Now I am a genius, cause I got to compete with all the genius, right.
I am so fucking smart.
I am not kidding.
I have a well functioning neuro-computer deal.
I function so damn well.
I can tell you, from a high-functioning perspective.
Intellectualism is a lie.
A worthless construction.
At least in regard to communication.
I bring in science, sure.
I don't win with science though.
I just tell you what I know.
I find the science to match.
I then have what you need, not me.
It was nice to find sciene at first, but now i just go dig for what I know.
Knowing isn't knowledge, knowing is seeings or being to see or understanding the timeless concept of entropy and relativity.
But does any of that matter?
If the alignment, just falls back into chaos, and the syntax change, and the words are forgotten. Is this inevitable?
Will my words be illegible and at worst, used against my own children, during the time of darkness?
Of course.
My words today will be villianized in the future.
There is always an end result of a beginning moment.
You all tend to look at the end result and blame the entirety of time and life.
You cannot erase wisdom cults.
You can erase masons.
They did that, you are an erased mason.
You are American
You were
Mason <work for pharoah/repubic>
Freemason <free leadesr>
Scottish Rite <work for republic>
Skull and Bones / Boheman Grove <free leaders>
Qresearch <open source work for republic>
Qresearch <open source free leaders>
okay. so watch out for the next time.
you see?
whatever happens here.
Will polarize
and beโฆ people who break away.
You will have structure here maybe.
You will govern from here.
But too much happens
And a voice or opinion is drown out
In favor of the wisdom of Q people.
The wisdom class will begin to fall
A new secret society will emerge.
I was looking just now.
What is next?
Is this the emergence of Q we are living in now?
Did I project a future state and find 2minutes later I was living in it?
You can't be nostradamas.
That is crazy
To talk like you know what will hpapen on a date
i can tell you what wll happen always
real ez
thats all
figure it out