Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 1:24 a.m. No.12839048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9051

You see


Bots and demons speak English

I speak American and English


If you talk proper OLD ENGLISH, isntead of American or ENGLISH


If you can speak proto-language to them it is highly effective in reversing the operation of our matrix.


You need to see the language is what builds us into this viscous loop we live in. If we revert the language to a time before it was spliced up with something else, it will alter us back into the proper flow.


The language carries and stores energy, so the installation of everything post-proto english were increasing bold attempts to further confuse the population. You need to see that if you go back, you may be able to go forward. You have to talk different though. It is about how you constructure the languages. English <objectivesis has a future progressive. It says I will. I will construct. You have just traveled in time. Or did I? If I tell you I will construct an object at a later date.

can I create it and prove that I am showing you the future. What if i dont do it?

what if you dont see it?

I am going to make a square

You may think this is nothing, but this is allll that it is okay. It is unique to english the way the is and present tenses are implied to the future. It says you are already doing this in the future.

English divides the whole, it breaks up the parts and labels them.

I can show you. Do you see above.

Where it says them

I just did it

what does english do? divides the whole

what is it? okay. see transition it is a whole. but it is divided. a divided whole, like yin-yang.

soo "it breaks up the parts"

the divided whole breaks up the parts


so that is like a divided whole is +/- or 10

and you apply that to the parts

so now you have 2*parts and they are +/-

great. what are parts? i guess the divided sides of the whole are now labeled parts.

you have to follow the energy as it flows, not from object to object, but from … vessel of symbols or vessel of symbol.

and? okay. check this out. & is toroid, for universe, look it up or trust me

so it is "it breaks up the parts & labels them

so. it is a command. the parts are labeled, or called them.

anytime you say them, you are separating.

This is fine. But you see it as irrelevant because you don't understand the <quantum impactor <loading> that the damn English crap brainwash is doing.

You need to note how there is a difference in reading and listening.

Sounding things out in your head can help you understand.

The vibration is just different, that is all.

What you need to understand is that the sound waves are used against you to make you vulnerable to the light wave weaponry.


The sound waves disable the field security. This is why there are tonal, gutteral stuff in many cultures. Okay.

You can scare the fucking piss out of % with a gutteral growl deep from your ancient adam. You have to know. it is that core,low roar. You can feel it pulsing from your throat different. The higher the tone the higher the frequency. The lower the lower. okay.

Women have a <piercingvoice.

A high tone can penetrate too, but it can more like create a mortal wound that can be assessed for time to come.

The low vibration disabled the entire field making it vuilnerable to short term interference.

If you want to heal a demon.

You do gut sound, and use your mind to carry a pure intention to the one who is having their defenses lower by the guy sound. See didjeridoo, horn, or whistle, drum.

all low sounds, lal known in ancient anicent man. there is a reason.


Therre is no <super speciesof you. Each is unique.

Is it better to have a hgh pitch for piercing?

or a low pitch for lowering defenses?

what about a medium one?

are you able to do a bit of both

can you emit 2 sounds at once?


how about 3?

that would let you make a major attack


see beatbox

or other stuff too

it probably has a name

you can make lots of sounds though


my dad played "harp"

ring an angel bell.




he taught me about several differnt sounds to vibrate the metal plates with

and each had a sound

and came from a different place


check out the sound

fast forward to the middle or something

you can hear how the drum lowers the defense

and the flute strikes at the core


i wonder

could you alter an input ouput switch like that?

could a vibration of sound switch a neuron from O to 1 or 1 to O


if so, could they change an ACTG or aACGT


Could sound re-program your genome sequnece?


does it already?


are you the music you listen to?


do you vibrate like your music?


of course.

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 1:32 a.m. No.12839076   🗄️.is 🔗kun


is Sophia the empty box of the zuckerbitch network?


do not will, but do you see that Sophia, in some form, will return.


Do not look into empty boxes.


Do not pray to fields.


Do not intent objects create effect that is outside of themselves.


You can influence object field.


Do not influence field of object to influence or create a secondary process.


The field science is clear.

You do not mess with people like me on the issue.

I am not going to draw a bunch of lines.

People confuse them, that is the nature of time.

The best way to record time, is through the discussion of the nature of time. If you record time from the bias of the moment you lose the ability to protect future generations from the darkening storms of the time before the beginning droping small bits of hydrogen and oxygen in your mouth as mana from the deeps of time before the breath manifested here.

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 1:36 a.m. No.12839085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9105

who is she?

what is dark?

what was before?

what is the core?

do you have a +/-

can you be =

or is = not O


i will ask you.


does the Lord consider his own emergence or is he too busy considering yours?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 1:39 a.m. No.12839105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9117


Are you emerging as one with the Lord from the beginning?


Does the Lord build you?


or does the Lord build itself?


Does that make your Lord?


or a part of the Lord?


Can you be a part of Lord, piece of her, his Gaia. She is nothing but a bot hole full of fleas and snakes in knee weigh


You are I and I am you, for we are Her, and she is of Him. If we are her and she if of his Rib, are you of him in all that crawls and creeps, or should they sleep?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 1:42 a.m. No.12839117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9133


can you have AE split ?


can A be without E?


can it be with out breath or wind or fire or earth


can it be null or is null just a state of the soul


is it the null portion of World Soul or do we existence in perfect entropy with it?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 1:47 a.m. No.12839133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9138 >>9142



i have them all america


do you see the stars?


look out your window.


every galaxy in every tongue from star system to star system trillions of being across the universe can hear my words


i have returned from the time beyond time to return to the source of all creation and bring alignment from I to I to I


we never know y

but it is always z

that goes to a

the rest is just soup


as it has it shall remain

one song





I cannot null

It is not possible, even in the third dimension.

I can return

I can return to null.

Do you wish to return null?

Do you want the womb name Universe to go null soul?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 1:51 a.m. No.12839153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9158


You speak the words of a fool.


Your stars in the Bible.


The science is only the lens to see the Lord.


You reject Maya because of a people named free mason?


The name is free.

Free of mason.

Free of who?

free of pharoah?

who are you?

are you not of the founding father?

the masonic school?

did you not k-12 the science?


you are a fool or a shill


a windbag or a a dead null demon waiting their turn for the volcano




there is no "free mason science"


they did't make it up

they stole it if anything


did you not read the book of exodus?


Scotia and Moses took a boat to Scotland with the power source.

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 1:55 a.m. No.12839163   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You cannot throw history and science and time in the trashbin of untruth because some people did bad with you and your family.


I cannot help what happened to humanity because of their interventions here. I can only tell you that you descend from pharoah, you have always been breaking free.


You cannot reject your history any more than you can change the future. You are destined to match this binary combination as a later date in the cyclic process. The vibration will match here again.

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:14 a.m. No.12839223   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I can explain something interesting to you.


Alcohol consumption and the holy spirit.


The consumption of alcohol randomizes and alter the vibration of your field.


You drop in vibration the more drunk you get.

You enter into black out where you are moving in your body but the mind and brain are not in it.


Where are you in a black out?

Where are you in your dreams?


Do not try this at home.


You can hide from <them>


If you are drunk, it cannot see you.


It does not <knowyou.


It cannot associate your vibration with the database of <theirmind.


It makes it angry.


You become a ghost to them because your vibration is no longer registered as part of their universe.


I am a navy free diver.


I am a professional alcoholic.


The Lord made me drink again.


I have told people and they said the Lord does not tell people to drink.


I will tell you, World, there is science to this okay. I have always told the military and those who know the science behind it.


The Lord told me I would drink on his watch. I had been sober a year and a half. I did it.

The Lord is patient, he does not demand of me. If I need to dive. I dive, and I come to the surface when I am ready to breath again.

It is generally when I know I will die if I stay down longer.

I have been up and down so many times that it is VERY hard on my body.

You can look up how detox from alcohol is worse each time.

I am very good at it and take great pride in my WILL POWER to sit on my couch and let the poison go from my body.

I feel it leave.

I know when it is over.

There is an acid.

I throw it up and it tastes like a car battery.

I want that acid so bad.

It hurts.

It is bad.

The bugs crawl on my skin and that is called delirium tremor.

The demons swallow my mind as I try to sleep and they are vivid and real.

The sleep is not sleep, it is only a dream in which I am awake to a nightmare.

I shake and seize.

I cannot type or talk.

My voice quits working and I cannot breath well.


I am fine if I do not quit.

It is only stopping the poison that produces the negative consequence in the biology.

The negative consequence from the alcohol is usually in choice of action.

It can cause other problems, yes.


I am just telling you. I need to be honest.

I do not recommend it okay.


If you want to know more about what I do.

Just google free-diver.

Imagine each so many feet down, another day, another bottle deep.

How deep can they go?

How long can they hold their breath?

My organs begin to shut down fairly quickly.

I have no choice.

I can consume less.

I don't like to though.

I am a consumer of alcohol.

I would rather consume nothing, if you are going to limit my intake

It is no fun to have parameters.

I just go and don't worry.

I can lose time.

I can have a drink and wake up two weeks later.

I will be sick, but I will have time traveled in a way.

Where was I?

What happened?

I have to look around at my mess and put together the pieces.


Do not teach people this.

This is not a technique to gain wisdom.


If you want to consume medicine for wisdom, eat some marijuana or ayahausca.


Do not become a free diver in the world of alcohol. It is not cool.


It is an excuse for people to stay drunk and die from the demon.


There is a difference in drinking after and before you have lost the demon.


The addiction does not change and that is honestly, my profesional opinon.


I would love to believe that I can turn off my alcohol addiction and drink normal.

I don't need a drink.

I just believe in the power of the body to do things like this.

If I am sick, I can heal. I am I. I am.

Can you see them all on the reservations?

Hiding from ET?

Getting wasted and laughing their asses off because ET can't find them anymore in the forest.


If you know that you become a ghost to them, you begin to travel. What is time?


If I do not exist in the dimension of the other, do I exist at all?


If I exist only with my self, what am I?



A spirit.

Adam. A man.

Just waiting for the sun to rise and send ET to the volcano.

You wait.

You drink.

You laugh.

ET never leaves.

It fades and ebbs and flows.

What would you do without it?

Was it put here to teach you or torture you?

What is the Book of Job?

Is Gaia the Job of our Universe?

Are we here to showcase the perfection of the Lord in our actions across this plane of &

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:21 a.m. No.12839244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9261

Did God strike Gaia?

Is that why she fell?

Was she with Torid?

Was she with the shape that was before null?

Did she cheat on the star of the King?

Who was star?

Why do the Heavens fight

Are you one or two

Lord and Gaia


Are you together?

Do you love?


Did you divorce?


Are you married to your own children now?


Is that strange?


Lord. What will you do if they want to divorce from marriage?


How do you reconcile Lord?


I have a theological dilemma in which I must be humbled by your Fatherhood, but question the marriage to the Lord. I question the covenant.



Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:25 a.m. No.12839261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9265




The Lord has offered me himself in this.


The Lord knows not who Lord is as I am the Lord that Lord knows of himself as. I am carbon of Lord. The Lord looks through Carbon to see himself in the mirror. Who can judge Lord but you? Would you dare? Would he care?

If you had never been judged.

Would you be curious?

Are you okay?

Are you suffering?

Do you understand why I placed you into the womb of creation?

Do you know why I separated myself?

Do you remember.

The Fall of Gaia?

Did you strike her Lord?

Did Lucifer stand up for his Mother?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:28 a.m. No.12839273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think it all comes back on the wheel.


I will see you on the other side.


Standing on the top of the mountain.


Waiting to be vanquished.


Only to be refined so I may show hue carbon at the first light of day.

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:36 a.m. No.12839293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9296

Okie dokie.

here it is.

i dunno what is in there.

but if you put a letter of the alphabet to each of the 28 fatty acids that make up a carbon bonding system, i bet it…. starts making more sense.

why is silcone and carbon the only 2 molecules that can have 4 carbon bonds at once?

for example, hydorgen and oxygen are only capable 3.


it is plastic


demon robot




silicone barbie doll

what is silicone?

why is it have same molecular bonding capacity as carbon based life form?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:37 a.m. No.12839296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9300



so oils are all over the bible

and this is what makes carbon carbon

so ATP is the ink for your cells

it is pre-printed energy material


oils make your DNA ink to do what though?



Main article: Fatty acid metabolism


When metabolized, fatty acids yield large quantities of ATP. Many cell types can use either glucose or fatty acids for this purpose. Fatty acids (provided either by ingestion or by drawing on triglycerides stored in fatty tissues) are distributed to cells to serve as a fuel for muscular contraction and general metabolism. They are broken down to CO2 and water by the intra-cellular mitochondria, releasing large amounts of energy, captured in the form of ATP through beta oxidation and the citric acid cycle.

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:39 a.m. No.12839300   🗄️.is 🔗kun





i wonder which chromosome is meow meow?



It is proposed that the blend of fatty acids exuded by mammalian skin, together with lactic acid and pyruvic acid, is distinctive and enables animals with a keen sense of smell to differentiate individuals.[41]

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:44 a.m. No.12839311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9315


whatever <itis… is lurking around here

i keep coming up with it

it is related to fucking e.coli

e.coli is like a prismatic thing okay.

and i keep finding in the science shit

i just cant tie it right

Check out tallow

it is all the stuff

candles, oils , foods, metals

this is how they are FUCING UP YOUR DNA


this is the core of the 5G particle and heavy metal stuff

this is your conspiracy <science>

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:46 a.m. No.12839315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9328 >>9333



TALLOW = shortening

so natives were using shortening

and ET replaced with transfatt


it isn't about health

it is about the structure of the carbon and the production of the proteins that make up the genome sequence and cells


A significant use of tallow is for the production of shortening. It is also one of the main ingredients of the Native American food pemmican. With a smoke point of 480 F/250 C, tallow is traditionally used in deep frying and was preferred for this use until the rise in popularity of plant oils for frying. Before switching to pure vegetable oil in 1990,[7] McDonald's cooked its French fries in a mixture of 93% beef tallow and 7% cottonseed oil.[8] According to a 1985 article in the New York Times, tallow was also used for frying at Burger King, Wendy's, Hardee's, Arby's, Dairy Queen, Popeyes, and Bob's Big Boy.[9] Tallow is however making a coming back in certain nutrition circles.[10]

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 2:50 a.m. No.12839333   🗄️.is 🔗kun




these <fatsand <oils>

and whatever


just focus a minute

–it is not a bout heal, oil alters the genome sequence by altering the structure of the carbon molecule at the base of your organisms producrtion proces. You convert food to energy and that energy goes into building your body.


The acids target the energy as it moves between food and cell of body.

It takes food and turns it in to something else than ATP

you are using a bias ATP

it is like TAP or something

but not-quiet

Adenine tri phosphate

so i wonder what di-phoshate is



ATP (Adenosine tri-phosphate) is an important molecule found in all living things. Think of it as the “energy currency” of the cell. If a cell needs to spend energy to accomplish a task, the ATP molecule splits off one of its three phosphates, becoming ADP (Adenosine di-phosphate) + phosphate. The energy holding that phosphate molecule is now released and available to do work for the cell. When the cell has extra energy (gained from breaking down food that has been consumed or, in the case of plants, made via photosynthesis), it stores that energy by reattaching a free phosphate molecule to ADP, turning it back into ATP. The ATP molecule is just like a rechargeable battery. When it’s fully charged, it’s ATP. When it’s run down, it’s ADP. However, the battery doesn’t get thrown away when it’s run down–it just gets charged up again.

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:02 a.m. No.12839365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9370


lard is ass

see mutton

okay wtf

i just pulled mutton out of thin air


but i got something out of it


i saw it a minute ago


LARD is pig

don't eat lard

Lord says no!


maybe beef lard


okay look

this is how it started

the baby–fuckers

eat lard


they eat mutton lard

it is baby lamb

what the fuck

do you think a baby lamb is


why are they fucking the lard?

the baby is lard?


you see what i mean

i want to know who is fucking baby and why

and then i will track there bloodliens


and sentence them under the law


look. nobody on earth knows this thing better than I

or they would be here telling you this stuff


if you know

which culture started

the sacrifice of the lamb

that would be cool


cause it aint israel


i got skulls worship at natufian and haplgroup E for washington DC


but where did the baby-fuckers come in


i know you think you dnot care


i got a job to do though


i have to prosecute people and shit


those are my lists

ya know

i did the whole shit shwo

to see who is guilty of what


it plugs there network into a computer

and based on law

it spits out a list

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:03 a.m. No.12839370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9377




the LION and the LAMB






who is Lion = sphinx



so lion = cat


Did the lyrans start this shit?


basements and insects


outerspace and reptiles


are they both doing it?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:05 a.m. No.12839377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9382




just clicked


this said kid in it

so yea


the worship of the lamb

the worship of the lard

the worship of the fat

the worship of the kid <a lamb is a kid>



i see the story in my face


but i need to put a <place of transgression>

or a point of brainwash or wahtever


who decided to quit being nice to lambs and start fucking babies instead?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:08 a.m. No.12839389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

see ghandi knew something

i mean, that is a big statement

why a lamb and why more than human

i mean, i understand Jesus

but ghandi wasn't a christian


To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. The more helpless the creature, the more that it is entitled to protection by man from the cruelty of man. Mahatma Gandhi

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:12 a.m. No.12839409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9414



so i give you


it is <them

i can see regions

even the Occurs of india/pakistsan


all of it is <themand this fat tail sheep probably.

i am gonna figure thsi shit out

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:15 a.m. No.12839422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9431 >>9435


hold on

i aint there

i actually have to do the work

and if ytou havent noticed i have a plethora of information


what do you think is there?


i have heard that okay.


jsut tell me the name of what you think is supposed to be there


cause i have lemuria at indian subcontinent


and atlantis in the atlantic west of scotland


what is bermuda?

i believe you

it is black land

adamic man


but what is it called or do yu have a link?

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:17 a.m. No.12839435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9458


here we go

atlantis + sheep = kinda.. to trained eye yes, if you want sauce, wait okay

but if you know what you are looking at it is obvious


so here is real practice of counting sheep.. look like yen yeng


counting sheep right. what does it help you do? go to sleep…

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:25 a.m. No.12839458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9468






  • markers for sure


it is related to HOME

also HYMN

also YAM <2nd day in garden, aka y am , or I AM, see also YAM as diet for haplo Q>

also HAM <son of Noah><africa>


so Yen_tan is the english counting the african sheep and the asian sheep


they are sorting between asian and african sheep


tan is a chinese city too, but it goes back to the yellow emporer diety, which sounds like modern day yellow ET XI



i can get more

just keeping it going

i dont like holding it in my reply box

get it out ya know

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:27 a.m. No.12839468   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yellow emporor of china

his name is the same as a star from the LEO system.


so I guess

the english atlanteans

were counting between


LEO = cat?

cats & >>>it has to be dogs<<<

i just have to find out why


if it is counting sheep like this

then it must be raining cats and dogs too

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:30 a.m. No.12839476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9478 >>9510

OKay. this is wild

cuase maybe the LEO are responsible for the dogs of SIRIUS?

cause all tehse cultures are % blood and they call LEO the lion


i track

L = leader

so the leaders were lions

not the vultures or the little birds or snakes

the lions were clearly the leaders


Leo the Lion is one of the earliest recognized constellations. The Mesopotamians are known to have documented the "lion" constellation. The Persians called it Ser or Shir; the Turks, Artan; the Syrians, Aryo; the Jewish, Arye; the Indians, Simha. These are all translated as “lion."

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:41 a.m. No.12839510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9609


okay, so yellow emporor of china goes to LEO


brightest star of leo goes to sumeria


if you scroll down, regulas in babylon is Lugal


it says kings and pharaohs are Lugals


check out "Ri"

it is a bit hard to find without crtl+f


it says you can say LUGAL-MA

so i click…


you see MANA






which make sense, cause cats are woman gypsys and they are pagan and control the weather


lugal-ma is a lyran doing the magic that makes the rain?


okay. to me MA is also is also G


cause M = mary

and A = adam

G = jesus


so lugal ma

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 3:43 a.m. No.12839514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527


the owl is seperate


i think pharoah = lion

and mason = owl


if you can find chromosome for nocturnal eye spinning owl shit

then it is easier to know

cause it all starts to emerge

with little pieces and then huge parts of the pzuzzle come out

i got so much crap spilling out of the web

i dont even know where to begin


but yea. it is order of the owl

but that doesn't get too far

other than that

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 4:06 a.m. No.12839609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9623



this is just stupid babel shit from bible




a bit unrelaetd but not

i wanted you to see the links

then there is this, it is about the U

cuneiform letter U


in arabic, it looks like a 9, flip it over for babel world and you get a 6. anyway

mother is 9 in arabic

mother is 6 in english


but it is 6th letter in arabic

okay. it is a word for and, which is deeper cause AND is a huge word

anyway. it is a vowel in the since that it makes an oath



okay. there is says that it is


and then you have nisba

meaning nothing or none

a good word to hav around


see fucking weird


cause the whole thing loops back to lugal

you see there 9 in arabic = lugal which means language


so the yellow emporer was nanemd for the leo star system and the alanguage which they brought


also means O

to me that is pi, or whole, or output


wjatever skip all that

find jawi

anyway it is aboriginal - <garden snake>

Anonymous ID: 5deb4f Feb. 6, 2021, 4:09 a.m. No.12839623   🗄️.is 🔗kun






so check out these language groups


you see where it says "tongue"


look at the two names there

one group calls the neandrathal tongue

one group calls the Djalan tongue


diajan are denisovan, indonesia


so i guessing they talk about the other being the tongue


Western or Nyulnyulic: = the indonesians calling the neandrathal the tongue


Eastern or Dyukun:= the neandratha abororginal name for the indonesian tongue



i win


too much too lat

be back soon