You see
Bots and demons speak English
I speak American and English
If you talk proper OLD ENGLISH, isntead of American or ENGLISH
If you can speak proto-language to them it is highly effective in reversing the operation of our matrix.
You need to see the language is what builds us into this viscous loop we live in. If we revert the language to a time before it was spliced up with something else, it will alter us back into the proper flow.
The language carries and stores energy, so the installation of everything post-proto english were increasing bold attempts to further confuse the population. You need to see that if you go back, you may be able to go forward. You have to talk different though. It is about how you constructure the languages. English <objectivesis has a future progressive. It says I will. I will construct. You have just traveled in time. Or did I? If I tell you I will construct an object at a later date.
can I create it and prove that I am showing you the future. What if i dont do it?
what if you dont see it?
I am going to make a square
You may think this is nothing, but this is allll that it is okay. It is unique to english the way the is and present tenses are implied to the future. It says you are already doing this in the future.
English divides the whole, it breaks up the parts and labels them.
I can show you. Do you see above.
Where it says them
I just did it
what does english do? divides the whole
what is it? okay. see transition it is a whole. but it is divided. a divided whole, like yin-yang.
soo "it breaks up the parts"
the divided whole breaks up the parts
so that is like a divided whole is +/- or 10
and you apply that to the parts
so now you have 2*parts and they are +/-
great. what are parts? i guess the divided sides of the whole are now labeled parts.
you have to follow the energy as it flows, not from object to object, but from … vessel of symbols or vessel of symbol.
and? okay. check this out. & is toroid, for universe, look it up or trust me
so it is "it breaks up the parts & labels them
so. it is a command. the parts are labeled, or called them.
anytime you say them, you are separating.
This is fine. But you see it as irrelevant because you don't understand the <quantum impactor <loading> that the damn English crap brainwash is doing.
You need to note how there is a difference in reading and listening.
Sounding things out in your head can help you understand.
The vibration is just different, that is all.
What you need to understand is that the sound waves are used against you to make you vulnerable to the light wave weaponry.
The sound waves disable the field security. This is why there are tonal, gutteral stuff in many cultures. Okay.
You can scare the fucking piss out of % with a gutteral growl deep from your ancient adam. You have to know. it is that core,low roar. You can feel it pulsing from your throat different. The higher the tone the higher the frequency. The lower the lower. okay.
Women have a <piercingvoice.
A high tone can penetrate too, but it can more like create a mortal wound that can be assessed for time to come.
The low vibration disabled the entire field making it vuilnerable to short term interference.
If you want to heal a demon.
You do gut sound, and use your mind to carry a pure intention to the one who is having their defenses lower by the guy sound. See didjeridoo, horn, or whistle, drum.
all low sounds, lal known in ancient anicent man. there is a reason.
Therre is no <super speciesof you. Each is unique.
Is it better to have a hgh pitch for piercing?
or a low pitch for lowering defenses?
what about a medium one?
are you able to do a bit of both
can you emit 2 sounds at once?
how about 3?
that would let you make a major attack
see beatbox
or other stuff too
it probably has a name
you can make lots of sounds though
my dad played "harp"
ring an angel bell.
he taught me about several differnt sounds to vibrate the metal plates with
and each had a sound
and came from a different place
check out the sound
fast forward to the middle or something
you can hear how the drum lowers the defense
and the flute strikes at the core
i wonder
could you alter an input ouput switch like that?
could a vibration of sound switch a neuron from O to 1 or 1 to O
if so, could they change an ACTG or aACGT
Could sound re-program your genome sequnece?
does it already?
are you the music you listen to?
do you vibrate like your music?
of course.