>Which is more likely to happen?
I read Q's posts and I found them interesting.
Spent a lot of time trying to understand them.
Learned a LOT!
Simultaneously when things I was hoping to happen never did happen,
I asked myself what I would feel like,
if it would turn out that Q were just a psyop with no real outcome in our daily lives.
And I thought that it would really rob me of a lot of hope.With Q gone and more importantly: Trump gone,
I think that it doesn't make any difference between being lied to by one government or another.
Do I hoppe that magically Trump would come back?
Yes, but I don't believe it.
And I won't be able and won't be WILLING to trust Trump, MIL or any other gov institutions again.
>this is a very common method.
Idiotic reply.
Two Anons are talking about Q & Trump being out of the picture now.
This isn't about you and your fear of everybody not sharing your view being a "shill".
Grow up!
>I think they are still posting sometimes, anonymously
Oh, yeah?
Like Jesus walking amongst us?
(But never DOING anything?)
>or to vote,
>for that matter,
>even as unaffiliated.
Why vote, when even open fraud is okay-ed by DoJ, SC, MIL and Trump,
who did tell his supporters that they should walk to the Capitol and that he would go WITH THEM,
but didn't!
Doesn't matter, if he conceded, or not.
Reality is that Biden sits in WH now.
Trump used his supporters on Jan, 6th and does NOTHING to protect them from being called and seen as "domestic terrorists".
This is not, what a good leader would do.
The Global Heating of Africa took all the warmth from America, resulting in the POLAR VORTEX!!
>some last minute threat that changed Trump's plans.
I think that this is possible.
But he never addressed it.
Therefore the only thing able to conclude from what we saw, is for me that Trump said one thing, but did not do what he said, he would do.
And this in my world is betrayal of his supporters.
And he didn't even defend his supporters from attacks that they were called "domestic terrorists".
And this is what makes me furious.
He sent his supporters into a trap, although he should have known better, and afterwards he did NOTHING to help them.
This is not okay in my book.