Anonymous ID: 055fbb Feb. 6, 2021, 9:56 a.m. No.12841855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1879 >>1970 >>2005 >>2047

Bizarre Glass Portrait of Kamala Harris Installed on the National Mall in DC


A bizarre portrait of Kamala Harris has been installed on the National Mall in DC this week.


The portrait, funded by the National Women’s History Museum and other groups, is made from shattered glass to represent the “glass ceiling” she supposedly burst through.


“This will just be a wonderful visual emblem of this moment in time and hopefully people will reflect a little bit on all the barriers that have been broken by her election,” Holly Hotchner, president and CEO of the National Women’s History Museum told The Associated Press.


The Hill reports that the project was commissioned by creative agency BBH New York, which hired Swedish artist Simon Berger, who is known for his work with glass.


To create the portrait, Berger hammered into laminated glass to create the shattered effect.


“I hit the glass directly with the hammer, so that cracks and impacts occur,” Berger told the AP. “Hard hits create abstraction and I ‘paint’ with targeted fine hits.”


The portrait will remain in this location until Sunday before returning to New York.

Anonymous ID: 055fbb Feb. 6, 2021, 9:57 a.m. No.12841871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005

Lincoln Project Co-Founder Resigns Amid Weaver's "Grotesque, Sickening" Behavior


Jennifer Horn resigned from the Lincoln Project, which she co-founded, on Friday, according to a statement from the organization.


“Upon careful consideration, I have terminated my relationship with the Lincoln Project, effective immediately,” Horn told the New York Times.


Horn resigned amid a scandal surrounding the allegations of sexual harassment made by 21 men against John Weaver, another co-founder.


“John Weaver’s grotesque and inappropriate behavior, coupled with his longstanding deceptions concerning that behavior, are sickening. It is clear at this point that my views about how the Lincoln Project’s efforts are managed, and the best way to move the Lincoln Project forward into the future in the wake of these awful events, have diverged.’’


The organization quickly responded with the following statement:


“Forty-eight hours ago, at a moment when the Lincoln Project was under attack from the Trump organization and their propaganda allies, Jennifer Horn, in written communication, requested from the Lincoln Project an immediate ‘signing bonus’ payment of $250,000 and a $40,000 per month consulting contract,”


“This followed a Christmas Eve communication from Jennifer, where she demanded a board seat from the Lincoln Project, a television show, a podcast hosting assignment, and a staff to manage these endeavors. She also stated her goal was ‘to establish immediate and long-term financial security,'” the statement continued.


“These demands were unanimously rejected by the management committee and board. We immediately accepted Jennifer Horn’s resignation from the Lincoln Project.”

Anonymous ID: 055fbb Feb. 6, 2021, 9:59 a.m. No.12841880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1926 >>1987 >>2005 >>2058

Dominion Lawyer Says They ‘Warned’ OAN Not to Air Mike Lindell Doc


The lead attorney representing Dominion Voting Systems has come out swinging against OAN for airing Mike Lindell’s two-hour election fraud special — and claims that they “warned” the network not to air it.


Lindell’s film titled “Absolute Proof,” aired on the network in the form of a paid advertisement, with a disclaimer that it was not an OAN report.


The disclaimer said that Lindell “purchased the airtime for the broadcast of this program” and it “is not the product of OAN’s reporting.”


Dominion’s lead attorney Thomas Clare responded to the film on Friday, telling Law & Crime that the network is still a lawsuit target despite the disclaimer.


“Nice try by OAN, but it definitely does not relieve them of liability,” Clare told Law & Crime. “To the contrary, we warned them specifically and in writing that they would be broadcasting false and defamatory statements of fact if they broadcast the program, and they made the affirmative decision to disregarded that warning and broadcast it anyway.”


Clare pointed out that “other outlets have refused to air it,” implying that they contacted them.


“Other outlets have refused to host it,” Clare said. “Textbook actual malice.”


Charles Herring, the president of OAN, seemed unbothered and said that the program is “paid long-form ad air time.”


“We sold the air time at fair market value. The paid content is clearly differentiated from OAN content. OAN did not assist with the production,” Herring told Law & Crime.


Absolute Proof is currently available to watch on Lindell’s personal website.

Anonymous ID: 055fbb Feb. 6, 2021, 10 a.m. No.12841897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005

China’s trade turnover with Central and Eastern Europe tops $100 billion despite pandemic-hit 2020


Mutual trade between China and 17 nations in Central and Eastern Europe in 2020 exceeded $100 billion for the first time ever, according to China’s Ministry of Commerce.


The year-on-year growth of 8.4 percent to $103.45 billion was faster than China’s annual trade turnover with Europe as a whole, and faster than the country’s yearly foreign trade growth rate for the year, spokesman Gao Feng said.


China’s trade volume with Central and Eastern European states has seen a stable growth of around eight percent since 2012, according to the official.


The country’s overall imports and exports of goods reportedly surged 1.9 percent to 32.16 trillion yuan ($4.97 trillion) despite a global retreat in shipments caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.


However, investment cooperation between China and the nations of the region kept rising during this period. Chinese foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern European states’ economic sectors, such as energy, infrastructure and logistics totaled a gross $3.14 billion as of the end of the last year. Meanwhile, those countries’ investment in China reached $1.72 billion, according to data from the ministry.


In 2020, the total contract value of China’s newly signed overseas projects with the 17 countries surged 34.6 percent to $5.41 billion.


In addition, China managed to launch 12,400 China-Europe Railway Express services, with nations including Poland, Hungary and Czech becoming key passages and destinations of the link, according to the spokesman.

Anonymous ID: 055fbb Feb. 6, 2021, 10:01 a.m. No.12841907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005

‘Now fire Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson’: Liberals call for BIGGER PURGE at Fox News as canceled Lou Dobbs shares tweets of support


Donald Trump and other fans are expressing support for Lou Dobbs after the sudden cancellation of his “number one news program” on Fox News, but liberals are so giddy they want other conservatives like Sean Hannity pulled.


The axing of ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ follows a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit from SmartMatic, a company behind voting software used in the presidential election, against Fox News and multiple hosts who aired election fraud conspiracy theories, including Dobbs.


A spokesperson for the network, however, did not name the lawsuit or controversies surrounding Dobbs’ election coverage – he aired a fact-checking clip on SmartMatic in December – as being reasons behind the cancellation, calling it part of “planned changes.”


‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’, which was described by the network as the “number one news program on business television,” will be renamed ‘Fox Business Tonight’ and go through rotating guests until a permanent replacement can be found. Dobbs remains under contract with the network.


One of Dobbs’ biggest supporters was former president Donald Trump, who regularly retweeted clips from the show while he was in office. He released a statement expressing support for the 75-year-old pundit.


“Lou Dobbs is and was great. Nobody loves America more than Lou. He had a large and loyal following that will be watching closely for his next move, and that following includes me,” Trump said.


Thanks for your kind words Mr.President. God bless you and all the American patriots who make this country great.

— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) February 6, 2021


Dobbs has been retweeting other messages of support since his cancellation, including some that are critical of Fox’s decision and chalk the move up to the network attempting to steer itself away from Trump-supporting conservatives.


Fox News is desperate to be accepted by people who will not accept them. Cancelling @LouDobbs is not going to satisfy the blood lust of the rage mob.

— Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) February 6, 2021


Lou Dobbs. The very best. Smartest voice on television. Had the highest rated show, by far, on his network. Had the highest rated show on the network he was on before FOX too, and the network before that. FOX in a tailspin.

— MARK SIMONE (@MarkSimoneNY) February 6, 2021


Because @LouDobbs speaks truth and is a patriot. We will follow Lou, but @FoxNews is a hard pass.

— Resist Election Theft (@BewareFools) February 6, 2021

Anonymous ID: 055fbb Feb. 6, 2021, 10:04 a.m. No.12841922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1953 >>1981 >>2005

All Hail The Conquering Central Bankers… Or Else


If you are unclear what’s happening, frankly, you aren’t paying attention. The central banks, at the urging of the World Economic Forum, have come from behind the shadows to assert their will over the world.


In order to create the imprimatur of depth and sincerity Fungal President Joe Biden tapped former FOMC Chair Janet Yellen as his Treasury Secretary.


It doesn’t matter that Yellen was the architect of the worst recovery in history or that her incessant dithering on ending QE and raising rates. She’s a woman. Right?


The only good thing about Yellen at Treasury is that Steve “Mr. Goldman” Mnuchin is gone. All Mnuchin did at Treasury was ensure the outsourcing of monetary policy to Blackrock through the loan programs of the CARES Act and sanction anyone who didn’t pay Goldman enough Tribute.


So, from that perspective, I guess, Yellen is an upgrade. Because she’s just an incompetent career bureaucrat. But what this means is that since personnel is policy in D.C. the central banks will become the center of policy.


And that means full international coordination by them to implement not only MMT — Modern Monetary Theory — but also accelerate the adoption of digital-only versions of national currencies, CBDCs, to support the full takeover of the economy by central planners.


Given Biden’s first foreign policy speech last night and the very real smackdown issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin at this year’s Virtual Davos, expect nothing but more of what ailed us under Trump taken up another notch.


Putin’s speech was one for the ages, to be honest, and everyone should read it.




Because Putin openly declared his opposition to the brave new world of Klaus Schwab and his Davos Crowd. And that means he incurred the wrath of the policy-wonks in D.C, Brussels and London.


Not that he didn’t have that already, but again, I believe we ain’t seen nothin’ yet when it comes to aggression. The problem with that however is that it openly risks open military conflict not only in Syria where Biden immediately sent troops across the Iraqi border but also in the Black Sea


As I’ve said many times, the stakes are higher today than they were in 2016 for these people. The Obama Restoration that is the Fungal Presidency depends solely on the central banks taking control over the global economy, sidelining the traditional, and terminally corrupt, banking system.


Yes, I can hear you saying, “But they are one and the same.” But, not really, not anymore. In order to pull this off someone will have to be sacrificed to the incredibly angry mob that is brewing outside the capitols of every major western power.