When you see it…
I bet these anti-Trump Republicans wouldn't be too hard to map out - even the ones who think they're under deep cover
When you see it…
I bet these anti-Trump Republicans wouldn't be too hard to map out - even the ones who think they're under deep cover
Pretty easy to see the players. Bet he is buds with the Lincoln Project too
Looks pink to me. The color of the hat that megaphone chick is wearing at the Capitol
No, faggot. You and your buddies are the ones who are late to the party and you make it VERY clear. You're easy to see because the stupid clings to everything you post
More likely they still need this to be a 'Qanon' board. Their whole 'Qanon followers raided the Capitol' needs a home base and they think they can create it with their posts. Theyre tools tupis to realize that cant wish or meme that into being. Their posts show theyre retarded - and their 'memes' prove the left STILL can't meme. Same shit. Different day
Suck a bag of dicks, faggot
Its like a discord tranny brigade. Or just the MNR dumb bitches. Hard to tell em apart
We are overrun with the discord trannies today. Still a bunch of faggot retards who sound
Well, like faggot retards
I caught it too. With the current shill brigade you're going to take a lot of flack