I hung out with him in a bar while I was in a massive spiral. Felt like I wanted to die. No hope. No worth. No joy. Felt like I failed life and felt like I failed God. It was a dim little dirt hole in the afternoon. I ordered a beer. There was a giant mirror behind the bar so that I could see my pure misery. I sensed a creature/man sit next to me. I couldn’t see him in the mirror, and so couldn’t see him if I turned to look at him. I knew it was Jesus. He proceeded to tell me jokes in a language I had never heard, but could somehow understand. They were funny. The funniest things I had ever heard. Remember the mirror? These jokes were so funny that I started snorting, then I started drooling because I was laughing so hard. And I got to see all of this in the mirror where he couldn’t be seen. This lasted for about 5 minutes straight. I was a total laughing mess. The bartender walked over and said, “I really want some of whatever you’re on…” Then he was gone. I finished my bar and paid my tab (which is crazy because I was planning on drinking with my misery that night).
When I walked out the door, I realized that all hope had been restored. I felt that I had worth. I felt loved. It was incredibly life changing and only the entity if love could have done that…. to newfags to Christianity. Find those that have had a “Road to Damascus” experience. They are swayed much by man made religion.