Catastrophically good news.
The only plan was to put you sorry asses to the test. The test? To see if you could off your sorry asses and save your sorry asses if given a clue.
Trump isn't coming back. He did all he could do. He stripped bare all the corruption, all the hypocrisy. He did his job, and now it is up to you. And all you will do is denounce "violence" while maintaining ignorance of the right use of force to disengage unlawful governance. Because you watched too much fucking sportsball and drank the kool aid.
Guess what, faggots? YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN NOW. Want to avoid your genocide? Take 2A seriously for once. No cavalry is coming to save you. I am two decades into a marriage with an expired passport on a foreign shore, so I am hardly qualified to give this bitter pep talk, but it must be given.