this is really getting fundamental now…
we are never alone…
go within and ask the Source to make known Itself to you…
It will, in images, sounds, feelings, but probably not words…
you can have conversations…
ask It to reveal something to you that you want to know, or help you with something you want to accomplish..
the answer will come when you least expect it, in the form of the knowledge or information, an event or a thing, or even a person saying or doing something…
after awhile you will recognize it as your eternal Parent that loves you beyond words, and then you will recognize your own loveableness…
when you get to that point, it will not matter who you are with because you are with your Parent at all times…
now as an aside, we all have soulmates, which is the opposite charge of what we are, because we literally spit in two when we lowered ourselves into this frequency…
perhaps that was your soulmate and her part in the play was to help you to become unafraid of any loss and to realize what love of self really means, because she was literally your mirror image…
you and your Parent are One as well, and you are its mirror