I can't believe I am watching this gay ass globohomo fucking Super Bowl hoping for something to happening knowing it won't.
>Datefags [End]
If this is the last date possible for the datefags doesn't that mean it's the last date possible before anons start to ask if Q was all a bullshit psyop to make us do nothing?
>what do you mean by "do nothing"?
Not executing politicians that we know are fucking and murdering children is the first thing that comes to mind.
>Nothing will happen today, or tomorrow.
A predictionfag I am finally starting to agree with, only took my dumbass 3 years.
>what do you mean by "do nothing"?
>Not executing politicians that we know are fucking and murdering children is the first thing that comes to mind.
>The fuck is wrong with you?
The question is what the fuck is wrong with you that you would ask me that question in response to my answer.
>It's not our place to execute anyone.
>If there are traitors, they would need to be tried and found guilty before any kind of punishment could be metered out.
Yea, cause the courts and the FBI doing the investigations are so non-comp'd and trustworthy. Wake the fuck up.
Faggots like this are why we have the government we do right now.