> I've read the Bible a lot but not recently
More people need to learn about hoe the Bible came about and the pagan manchurian candidate, Nicolaus Copernicus.
These two videos go into great detail and worth the viewing. Link to part two below. First one, 20 min, second one is 40 min
First one (this one) also goes into detail of the origois of the transgender movement
Christian organizations have totally ignored the history behind the book of Revelation and its author. The simple fact that all scripture has passed through the hands of the Roman Catholic Church (mixed with pagan religion) should race a red flag to proceed with caution to use our God given Spirit of discernment specially when it comes to future prophetic events.
The History behind the book of Revelation will no longer be ignored. Historian Eusebius was commissioned by Roman Emperor Constantine and given the responsibility of creating the official Christian Bible and by 331 AD the first 50 bibles were created and delivered to the Churches of Constantinople. The Bibles did not contain the Apocalypse of John (Revelation).
Eusebius recorded the words of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria in the late 200's AD claiming that Revelation was a forgery. There were other scholars and writers of the first three centuries who were also on record testifying in regards to the falsehood and authenticity of the book of Revelation and to the involvement of a Gnostic Rabbi named Cerinthus.
The Organic Gospel has been Reinstated. FOR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING WATCH: https://youtu.be/_4QMuH4kr1A (Biblical satanic pieces confirmed - part 2).